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What are deductive reasoning tests, and how do we pass them? If these are questions on your mind, then look further than this guide to accelerate your deductive reasoning test practice. 

At GF, we provide the Essential assessment test practice to help you get ahead in your deductive reasoning practice. Practice and prepare for deductive reasoning assessments which are a part of many hiring and evaluation procedures.

Wondering whether you should be practicing to prepare for your deductive reasoning assessments? According to research, 60-80% of candidates are rejected based on their aptitude test results. It is proven that practice increases your chances of getting hired.

A recent study (Bradley et al, 2019) found that candidates who do not practice assessments, tend to fail at the first hurdle of psychometric assessments (54%-84%). This study looked at the Top 100 global employers.

Here’s a simple breakdown of what’s to come in this complete guide.


  1. What is a Deductive Reasoning Test?
  1. Which Employers Use Deductive Reasoning Tests?
  1. Major Test Providers of Deductive Reasoning Test
  2. Types of Deductive Reasoning Questions
  3. Why is Preparing for Deductive Reasoning Tests Important?
  4. Top 7 Strategies to Ace a Deductive Reasoning Test
  5. Deductive Reasoning Assessment FAQs

Without further ado, let’s dive in!

What is a Deductive Reasoning Test?

A deductive reasoning test assesses your ability to draw specific conclusions from provided general principles or premises.  The primary goal of a deductive test is to assess your critical thinking skills, make logical connections, and draw accurate conclusions; A set of skills valuable in many professional contexts. 

Deductive reasoning assessments measure your speed and accuracy during the assessment, and as such typically have strict time limits. As they assess your critical thinking and deduction skills, you typically do not require any previous knowledge or external information unless otherwise stated in the test.

Good to know: Deductive reasoning tests are not IQ tests. While IQ tests are used to measure general intelligence, deductive reasoning tests focus on a specific type of thinking skill.

Deductive reasoning tests and inductive reasoning tests are often mistaken for each other. Read on as we outline the key differences between these tests.

What is the difference between Deductive and Inductive Reasoning Tests?

Deductive reasoning tests often involve scenarios or statements for deriving logical conclusions using text or numerical data. Inductive tests on the other hand use tasks such as pattern recognition, analogy completion, or predicting the next item in a sequence.

A key way to remember the difference is that deductive tests use general information to reach specific conclusions, whilst inductive reasoning tests use specific information to reach general conclusions.

For more information about inductive reasoning tests and how you can prepare and ace these tests, don’t miss our complete inductive reasoning test guide here.

So, which employers use deductive reasoning tests to hire? Keep reading to find out the key areas and employers that use deductive assessments.

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Which Employers Use Deductive Reasoning Tests?

Deductive reasoning assessments are commonly used by a variety of employers, especially those in fields where logical thinking and problem-solving skills are crucial. Let’s look at some areas where employers often use deductive reasoning tests for hiring:

  • Management Consulting
  • Technology and IT
  • Finance
  • Engineering
  • HR
  • Research and Academia

Employers Using Deductive Reasoning Tests

Here are a few examples of leading companies that currently include deductive tests in their hiring processes:

JPMorgan Chase & CoCitigroupMassachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
IBMDeloitteUS Department of Justice

Discover more top recruiters using deductive reasoning tests with our 150+ Employer Guides and explore the best expert tips you can use to prepare and pass your employer’s deductive test with our step-by-step guides.

Read on as we uncover the key reasons why these companies use deductive reasoning tests in our next section.

Why do Employers Use Deductive Reasoning Tests?

Here are the top 7 reasons why employers incorporate deductive reasoning tests into their assessment processes:

  1. Smart Problem Solving: Deductive reasoning tests check if candidates can smartly tackle work challenges and find good solutions.
  1. Teamwork Boost: People with strong deductive skills can bring different working styles together in teams, making collaboration smoother and boosting productivity.
  1. Customer Service Smarts: Deductive reasoning helps identify and solve customer issues, making customers happier and businesses more successful.
  1. Logical Decision-Making: Employers want to know if you can make good decisions based on logic and careful thinking.
  1. Sharp Analytical Thinking: Deductive reasoning encourages breaking down complex problems into smaller parts, which is great for roles needing analysis and planning.
  1. Adaptability and Innovation: Deductive skills make problem-solving structured, fostering adaptability and innovation in handling challenges.
  1. Efficient Resource Use: People who excel in deductive reasoning can optimize resources, contributing to overall efficiency in the workplace.

Good to know: Mastering deductive reasoning isn’t just about solving puzzles. Those skilled in deductive reasoning possess a knack for optimizing resources in the workplace, contributing to overall efficiency. 

Employers typically use deductive reasoning tests provided by established test publishers. Let’s check out the major deductive reasoning test providers below!

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Major Test Providers of Deductive Reasoning Test

Who provides deductive reasoning tests?

There are several major test providers that offer assessments that include deductive reasoning tests which are used by top employers around the world. Typically, employers will most commonly use tests from: 

However, there are other deductive reasoning tests used depending on the role and company you apply to. These can include:

Did you know? SHL, the biggest global inductive reasoning test supplier, provides tests to more than 8,000 organizations globally. GF is managed by the same specialists who previously created assessment tests for SHL.

So what do these deductive reasoning test questions look like? We’ve got you covered for all things assessment in the next section!

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Types of Deductive Reasoning Questions

What are the different types of deductive tests?

In a deductive reasoning assessment, you may come across a variety of different question styles that all use deductive patterns. Though the basics are the same, the questions may vary. These questions include:

  1. Syllogisms
  2. Logical Puzzles
  3. Mathematical Deductions
  4. Analytical Reasoning
  5. Deductive Verbal Reasoning
  6. Decoding Problems

Let’s dive further into these most common deductive reasoning questions.

1. Syllogisms

What is a syllogism deductive reasoning question?

Syllogism deductive reasoning questions involve three statements—two premises and a conclusion—usually beginning with phrases like “All,” “Some,” or “No.” You need to determine the validity of the conclusion based on the given premises.


Statement A:

  • All birds have wings.
  • Penguins are birds.

Question: Are penguins capable of flight?

Answer: No, because the premises don’t guarantee that all birds can fly, and the first statement includes “have wings,” not “can fly.”

Statement B:

  • All humans are mortal.
  • Socrates is a human.

Question: Is Socrates mortal?

Answer: Yes, Socrates is mortal. The first statement establishes that all humans are mortal, and the second statement identifies Socrates as a human. Therefore, by deductive reasoning, it can be concluded that Socrates, being a human, is subject to mortality.

2. Logical Puzzles

What is a logical puzzle in deductive reasoning tests? 

Deductive reasoning logical puzzles provide grids and clues, where you have to use deductive reasoning to fill in the correct information based on the sequence provided. These logical puzzle questions often require a combination of keen observation and elimination.

Have a go at our practice logical reasoning question below to test your logical skills ahead of your deductive reasoning test.

Deductive Reasoning Logical Question Example

Deductive logic question example
  • Step 1: 
    • The arrow moves clockwise at 90 degrees as you move across the sequence. The arrow in the correct answer must therefore be at the top leaving options B, C, or E.
  • Step 2: 
    • The shapes change in the sequence as triangle, circle, square… and then repeat. Therefore the correct option will contain a square leaving options C or E.
  • Step 3: 
    • The middle section line varies across the sequence in the order of horizontal, vertical, horizontal, and so on. The correct option must be vertical leaving option C.


Take a FREE logical reasoning test to further practice your logical reasoning skills which are essential for deductive reasoning tests. 

3. Mathematical Deductions

What are mathematical deductive reasoning questions?

Mathematical deductive reasoning questions may require you to prove a mathematical statement using deductive reasoning and logical steps. You may also be provided with geometric problems, such as proving the congruence of triangles or the properties of angles.


Statement A

Prove that the sum of two consecutive even numbers is always an even number.

Answer: Let the two consecutive even numbers be 2n and 2n + 2. The sum is 2n + 2n + 2 = 4n + 2 = 2(2n + 1), which is clearly an even number.

Statement B: 

Prove that the product of an even and an odd number is always an even number.

Answer: Let the even number be represented as 2m, and the odd number as 2n + 1. The product is (2m) * (2n + 1) = 4mn + 2m, which can be expressed as 2(2mn + m). 

Since 2 is a common factor, the product is clearly an even number. Therefore, the statement is proven: the product of an even and an odd number is always an even number.

4. Analytical Deductive Reasoning

What are analytical deductive reasoning questions?

In analytical deductive reasoning questions, you are presented with a series of statements, and they must deduce valid conclusions based on the information provided. Or you might need to identify the cause-and-effect relationships between different statements or events.


Statement A:

  • All cats are animals.
  • Some animals are mammals.

Question: Are all cats mammals?

Answer: Yes, because by combining the two statements, it follows that all cats are mammals.

Statement B:

  • All roses are flowers.
  • Some flowers are red.

Question: Are all roses red?

Answer: No, because the statements only establish that some flowers are red, but they don’t specify that all flowers, including roses, must be red. The conclusion is not guaranteed based on the given statements.

5. Deductive Verbal Reasoning

What are verbal deductive reasoning questions? 

In a verbal deductive reasoning test question, you will figure out not just what’s said but also the hidden ideas supporting an argument. It’s like uncovering the strong points and reliability of what’s being talked about.


Argument A:

Increased exercise leads to improved health. Therefore, regular physical activity is essential for well-being.

Question: Identify the assumption underlying the argument.


The assumption is that improved health results from increased exercise, and there are no other significant factors.

Argument B:

Consuming vitamin C boosts the immune system. Therefore, taking vitamin C supplements is essential for maintaining good health.

Question: Identify the assumption underlying the argument.


The assumption is that a boosted immune system, achieved through consuming vitamin C, is a significant contributor to maintaining good health. The argument relies on the assumption that there are no other major factors influencing health in this context.

Register with GF today and practice FREE verbal reasoning questions to develop and ace your verbal deduction skills ahead of your real deductive reasoning test.

6. Decoding Problems

What are decoding problems in deductive reasoning tests? 

Deductive decoding questions may ask you to decipher a code based on given rules and apply deductive reasoning from the symbols and rules provided to find the correct solution for different elements.


Statement A

A = 1, B = 2, C = 3

Problem: If Z = 26, what is the code for W?


The code for W is 23.

Statement B:

A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, …, Z = 26

Problem: If H = 8, what is the code for Q?


The code for Q is 17. (Since each letter corresponds to its position in the alphabet, Q, being the 17th letter, has a code of 17.)

It is vital that you practice ahead of your deductive reasoning test to boost your chances of success. Continue reading to learn our top 5 reasons why you should practice.

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Why is Preparing for Deductive Reasoning Tests Important?

5 Reasons Why You Should Practice Deductive Reasoning Tests

  1. Improve your chances of getting a job: Many employers deploy these tests to identify top talents. Practice ensures you’re not just a candidate but a standout contender.
  1. Boost your logical skills: Improve your logical thinking through deductive reasoning practice. Strengthen your ability to connect the dots and draw precise conclusions—a skill highly sought by employers.
  1. Develop confidence: As you tackle deductive challenges, witness your confidence soar. When the actual test day arrives, you’ll be familiarized and ready to ace your job assessment.
  1. Enhance problem-solving skills: To tackle workplace challenges with ease. Deductive reasoning practice sharpens your problem-solving agility, equipping you to handle complicated scenarios efficiently.
  1. Sharpen your decision-making skills: Practice deductive reasoning to refine your decision-making skills. This not only helps you excel in assessments but also positions you as a thoughtful and strategic thinker in the professional arena.

Keep reading to discover our best tricks and tips to ace your upcoming deductive reasoning test.

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Top 7 Strategies to Ace a Deductive Reasoning Test

How to Pass Deductive Reasoning Tests?

  1. Read Carefully: Practice paying close attention to the instructions and provided statements during your preparation. This helps you understand the task at hand more effectively.
  1. Use Only the Information Provided: Assume the information provided within the test is accurate/true and avoid using external knowledge unless instructed to do so.
  1. Make Notes: To make notes effectively, use a pen and pad during deductive reasoning tests. Quickly sketch shapes as you analyze, helping visualize patterns and uncover the underlying pattern.
  1. Practice with Timers: Mimic test conditions during practice. Track your progress, identify challenging areas, and gradually reduce the time allotted for each question to build speed and efficiency.
  1. Focus on Quality Practice: Instead of taking numerous tests, focus on a select few to practice. Repeatedly practicing a handful of tests can more effectively deepen your understanding than spreading practice across many assessments. 
  1. Review Incorrect Answers: After each practice test, thoroughly review incorrect answers. Identify the reasoning behind mistakes, learn from them, and strategize to avoid similar errors in the actual assessment.
  1. Stay Calm: To stay calm during a test, try deep breathing techniques, and focus on one question at a time. If you are unsure, take an educated guess or move on to come back to the question at the end if you have time.

For even more professional tips to improve your speed in online deductive reasoning aptitude tests, check out this quick video below:

And with that, we’ve covered all you need to know about deductive reasoning tests!

Don’t miss answers to even more burning questions with our deductive reasoning assessment test FAQs section below!

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Deductive Reasoning Assessment FAQs

What is the fastest way to solve a deductive reasoning question?

The fastest way to solve a reasoning question involves:

  1. Practice regularly for enhanced speed.
  2. Quickly identify key information.
  3. Recognize patterns efficiently.
  4. Prioritize questions based on difficulty.
  5. Eliminate wrong options where possible.
  6. Manage your time effectively.
  7. Trust instincts for faster responses.
  8. Stay calm during the test. 

Is math used in deductive reasoning tests?

Math questions are often used in deductive reasoning tests. In these math problems, each step in the solution logically follows the previous ones, leading to a clear answer. Your deduction skills will be tested to solve numerical problems.

Can mastering deductive reasoning tests enhance my performance in other types of aptitude assessments?

Deductive reasoning skills often overlap with other cognitive abilities. Developing your skills in this area can positively impact your performance in a variety of other aptitude tests that require logical thinking and problem-solving, such as verbal and logical reasoning tests.

How long does a typical deductive reasoning test take?

The Deductive reasoning tests typically last 10 to 20 minutes. Effective time management is crucial, requiring quick analysis and responses within the allotted time frame.

Can I use a calculator during a deductive reasoning test?

Deductive reasoning tests usually don’t allow calculators, aiming to evaluate logical reasoning and problem-solving without external aids. Check test instructions for clarity on permitted resources.

Practice and Register with GF to ace your deductive reasoning assessments the first time.

Do you want to pass your deductive reasoning assessment tests the first time? Sign up for tools offered by GF, the only aptitude practice test experts that provide tests to over 150 UK universities and their students, and also across Asia and continental Europe.

Go to GF now and select from the range of products we offer at no risk. We offer a comprehensive premium package with a full set of assessment tools for job candidates (numerical, logical, verbal reasoning, situational judgment tests, assessment centre exercises and more). Buy with peace of mind without commitment to a full 100% money-back guarantee if you do not pass your job tests.