Numerical Estimation Assessments – Key Facts

  • Numerous employers use the cost-effective and efficient Numerical Estimation tests for sifting out candidates prior to an Interview or Assessment Centre
  • These tests require you to estimate a value, thus precise calculations are not necessary. A calculator is not allowed

Numerical estimation tests are timed and often you will be subject to negative scoring for questions you get wrong. Therefore it is vital you do not ‘guess’ any questions you have missed.

What are Numerical Estimation Tests

Numerical Estimation tests are a type of aptitude test which aims to assess ones ability in mental arithmetic.

These tests are more suited to junior roles, particularly those that require working with numbers.

Numerical Estimation tests reflect an individual’s comfort with numbers and also provide an indication of their level of ability – this can be subsequently used to decide on their suitability for a particular job.

For example, as a cashier in a supermarket; although an individual may have use of a till calculator, their ability to ‘estimate’ the total and the change amounts is likely to ensure errors are kept to a minimum.