Reading time: 26 minutes


Are you applying to UBS 2024 internship or graduate programs season? Or maybe to a professional job with UBS? This is the complete guide for you.

The text below provides a full assessment and candidate preparation guide and practice for UBS recruitment for those applying to US and global jobs, internships and graduate programs at UBS.

Our website provides scientifically validated practice assessment tests, interviews and assessment centre exercises that can be used to practice and prepare for the recruitment and assessment process.

Not sure if you should practice preparing for UBS assessments? According to research, 60-80% of candidates are rejected based on their aptitude test results. It is proven that practice increases your chances of getting hired.

A recent study (Bradley et al, 2019) found that candidates who do not practise assessments, tend to fail at the first hurdle of psychometric assessments (54%-84%). This study looked at the Top 100 global employers.


How to prepare for the UBS assessment process and tests to get the job?

  1. Complete Your UBS Application
  • Fill in all the required sections and ensure that you submit your application early.
  • Utilise UBS 7 core competencies and use their language/keywords from the job post in your resume.
  • Include all relevant eligibility information such as a cover letter.
  1. Prepare for UBS Online Assessments

Improve your efficiency and gain further understanding of the online assessments you will complete, including:

  1. Record Mock Video Interviews of Yourself

Practice for your Sonru video interview by answering questions that typically come up in banking jobs. Your verbal communication should be convincing and filled with content that presents you in the best way for the job by running mock interviews. 
For UBS interview practice, use:

Our video interview practice platform contains predefined competency and industry questions and emulates the experience you will have in platforms used for UBS interviews. Always record your answers and watch them develop your interview technique, timekeeping and words used. Repeat recordings until you feel satisfied.

Use the STAR+R method for your answers and practice each answer several times.

  1. Get ready for the Assessment Centre

UBS makes use of a variety of competitive exercises during the assessment centre to find the right candidates. Ensure that you practice a variety of exercises including:

Hone your communication skill as best as you can before the exercises. Research online, prepare and practice presentation of as many business case studies as possible.
Keep reading to find out the answers to the most critical questions related to your UBS assessment process:

  1. What is the UBS hiring process?
  2. How to answer UBS interview questions?
  3. How to practice and ace the UBS Culture Appraiser?
  4. How to practice and ace UBS Online Aptitude Tests?
  5. How to ace the UBS Sonru video interview? 
  6. What Graduate Programmes and Internships does UBS offer?

Looking to prepare for your upcoming UBS assessments? Simply click on the table below to practice similar tests relevant to your UBS application process!

Relevant Assessments to UBSPractice Now
Situational JudgementStart Practicing
Numerical ReasoningStart Practicing
Verbal ReasoningStart Practicing
Logical ReasoningStart Practicing
Video InterviewsStart Practicing
Assessment CentreStart Practicing

Go Premium to access all the assessments listed above and ace your UBS assessments the first time.

Before we dive into the UBS hiring process, let’s go over the basics of what you’ll need to know about the company.

Who is UBS?

UBS stands as Switzerland’s foremost universal bank, uniquely present in all five core domains: personal banking, wealth and asset management, corporate and institutional clients, as well as investment banking.

The company employs around 74,000 people in 48 countries, representing 150 nationalities. Therefore, UBS experiences high competition for jobs, internships, and graduate roles.

What Business Areas and Jobs are there at UBS?

UBS operates in various business areas and offers a wide range of job opportunities. Below are some of the key business areas and roles within UBS:

UBS Business AreaJob Functions
Global Wealth Management– Financial Advisor
– Wealth Planner
Personal & Corporate Banking– Relationship Banker
– Branch Manager
Asset Management– Portfolio Manager
– Fund Operations Specialist
Investment Ban– Investment Banking Associate
– Trading Specialist

To ace your application to any of the roles at UBS, research into the company is essential. You should be aware of the company values, mission and vision statements.

What are the UBS Core Values?

  1. Purposeful Year: Infuse every moment with impactful intent, fostering meaningful change in all actions.
  2. Inspire: Ignites motivation, propelling all to reach their full potential.
  3. Connect: Cultivates robust relationships, enabling shared success and growth.
  4. Empower: UBS’s commitment to arming individuals and partners for personal success and thriving pursuits.
UBS Mission StatementTo convene THE global ecosystem for investing – where thought leadership is impactful, people and ideas are connected and opportunities are brought to life.
UBS Vision StatementAt UBS, we’re reimagining the power of people and capital, to create a better world for all of us – a world that’s fair, sustainable and gives everyone the opportunity to thrive.

Now that we have gone through the basics of UBS, let’s move on to each stage of the UBS assessment process so that you can nail it for the first time. 


What is the UBS recruitment process?

  1. UBS Online Application Form
  2. UBS Online Assessment Tests
  3. UBS Sonru Video Interview
  4. UBS Assessment Centre

Good to Know Bonuses:

  1. UBS Graduate Programmes
  2. UBS Assessment FAQs

Without further ado, let’s dive in!

UBS Online Application Form

What is the UBS online application form?

The first step on your journey through the UBS application process is the online application form and to set a good impression. To complete your UBS job application form, you will be required to fill in the following:

  • Personal and contact details
  • Educational qualifications and previous work experiences 
  • Answers to application questions such as work permits
  • Voluntary disclosures e.g your gender, ethnicity, etc.

You will be required to upload your Resume/CV and any required additional documents at the same stage. Check out our article here for top tips to write a good CV.

UBS application form
UBS Application Form

3 Quick Tips to Get Your Resume Selected at UBS

  1. Thoroughly review your CV and ensure all required details are included. Validate accuracy through spell and fact checks. 
  1. Align with the UBS Core Competencies and the keywords used in the job description when updating your resume. 
  1. Use a file format that is easy to read. Upload a resume / CV in PDF or Word format, with a maximum size of 3 MB. 

Be sure to check out our short video below where we go through 3 CV mistakes that you must avoid for your UBS application:

3 CV Mistakes You Must Avoid (Resume Tips) | CV Writing Guide 

After completing your online application form, you will proceed to the UBS online aptitude tests.

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UBS Online Assessment Tests

What are the UBS assessments?

The UBS online assessment tests are designed to evaluate your cognitive abilities. Based on the position you’ve applied for, UBS may require you to undertake one or multiple online assessments. These UBS online tests are carried out by AON.

UBS assessments typically include:

  1. UBS Culture Match Assessment
  2. UBS Cognitive Assessments
  3. UBS HackerRank Online Assessment

1. UBS Culture Match Assessment

What is the UBS Culture Match Assessment?

UBS Culture Match Assessment is similar to a typical situational judgement test. You’ll encounter practical work scenarios to assess the alignment of your approach with UBS culture and values.

  • Task: The UBS Culture Match is a test that offers you 15 hypothetical situations, to which you have to respond with the most accurate course of action.
  • Time allowed: The test is not timed but you should be able to complete it in around 20 minutes. 

Interested in learning more about what a UBS situational judgement test is? Watch our short video below:

What are Situational Judgement Tests? (SJTs Explained)

Before taking a UBS Culture Match Assessment, it’s essential to understand the UBS core competencies that you will be assessed on.

7 UBS Core Competencies
  1. Problem analysis
  2. Communication
  3. Judgement and decision making
  4. Innovation
  5. Teamwork and collaboration
  6. Drive and commitment
  7. Planning and organising

How to pass the UBS Culture Match Assessment? 

  1. Do your research about UBS: Explore the news and their social media such as on LinkedIn to gain an understanding of the ideal UBS candidate.
  1. Know the role you’re applying for: Each UBS role demands distinct competencies based around the 7 competencies. Research the responsibilities of the role from the job description.
  1. Familiarise yourself with UBS’s values, core competencies, mission, and working environment. This knowledge will help you align your responses with the company’s culture and favoured approach.
  1. Practice: Practicing situational judgement tests before can help you to become familiar with the format of the assessment and the work scenarios you can anticipate.
  1. Be Authentic: Provide answers that reflect your values and work style, showcasing your true compatibility with UBS’s culture and work environment.
  1. Use Examples: Consider your previous experiences that have highlighted times when your approach matches UBS’s culture, demonstrating practical alignment.
  1. Stay Consistent: Maintain consistency in your responses. Inconsistencies could suggest misalignment with your values and behaviours, which may be flagged in the assessment.

Now, let’s get a glimpse of what a UBS culture match assessment looks like, from the following UBS-style situational judgement test sample question provided by GF.

UBS-style Situational Judgement Test Example

Ubs culture match test practice

Prepare for your UBS Culture Match-style questions with our practice Situational Judgement Tests and access real questions, live test reports and progress charts! 

The next online assessment test that you are required to take is a series of UBS cognitive assessments. Let’s discuss what these are below. 

2. UBS Cognitive Assessments

What are the UBS cognitive assessments?

The UBS cognitive assessments aim to assess your cognitive skills and may depend on the role you have applied for. The assessments within the UBS cognitive test typically include:


What is the UBS Numerical Reasoning Test?

A UBS numerical reasoning test measures your ability to draw logical conclusions from complex information. These questions typically present you with sets of data, charts, graphs, or tables and require you to answer based on the information provided. 

Good to know: for some early career roles, UBS may use Korn Ferry Talent Q for numerical reasoning tests. 

How long is the UBS Numerical Reasoning Test?

The UBS numerical test comprises 37 tasks, with a time limit of 12 minutes for completion.

Learn more about tests like the UBS numerical reasoning test with our video below.

What Is a Numerical Reasoning Test?

How to ace the UBS Numerical Reasoning Test?

We have you covered with the following 5 key tips to pass your UBS numerical reasoning test:

  1. Sharpen your numerical skills: Brush up on the basics like percentages, ratios and simple arithmetic operations to boost your skills and solve numerical problems more efficiently.
  1. Practice Regularly: Regular practice enhances your numerical skills and boosts your confidence in handling complex data.
  1. Understand Instructions: Grasp the instructions thoroughly before starting. Clarify any doubts to ensure accurate responses.
  1. Manage Time: With many questions, time matters. Divide the time for each question. Don’t spend too much time on one; maintain a steady pace.
  1. Focus on Accuracy: Take your time to understand questions and do calculations carefully. Check your answers against the info given, fix any mistakes, and stay calm for your best accuracy.

Using the tips we provided above, take the opportunity to try a UBS-style numerical reasoning test question below!

UBS-Style Numerical Reasoning Test Example

UBS numerical reasoning test example

Check if you got the correct answer at the bottom of the page. 

If you are looking for more UBS-style Working with Information Practice test questions with answers, worked solutions, progress tracking and professional score reports, including personalised tips based on your performance – then GF has you covered.

After assessing your analytical skills through the UBS numerical reasoning tests, UBS is also interested in understanding your proficiency in verbal reasoning.


What is the UBS Verbal Reasoning Test? 

The UBS verbal reasoning test assesses your comprehension and logical analysis of written information. This test helps UBS determine your suitability for roles that require strong verbal communication and comprehension skills.

How long is the UBS Verbal Reasoning Test?

The UBS verbal test contains 30 questions and has a time limit of 19 minutes.

Discover more in our short YouTube video that gives a lowdown of what to expect in a UBS verbal reasoning test:

What is Verbal Reasoning Test?

Top 5 Tips to Ace the UBS Verbal Reasoning Tests

  1. Enhance your vocabulary: Regularly read various content like newspapers and academic journals. This helps you learn more words and improve your understanding. 
  1. Understand the answer options. When answering verbal reasoning test questions you must determine whether the statements are True, False or if you Cannot Say.
  1. Answer based on the passage. Ensure that you answer each question based on purely the information provided. Avoid assumptions or using external knowledge.
  1. Manage Time: Allocate sufficient time for each question. If stuck, move forward and return later if you have any left over time remaining.
  1. Stay Calm: Remind yourself that maintaining a clear mind is crucial for accurate reasoning, enabling you to comprehend the passage well and choose the best answers.

Good to know: In UBS verbal reasoning test, precision and efficiency are key. While speed is important, focus on understanding the core message of each passage. 

Have a go and answer the following free UBS-style verbal reasoning test example question we’ve developed below!

UBS-Style Verbal Reasoning Test Example

UBS verbal reasoning test example

Got the answer? Check it out at the bottom of the page. 

Looking for even more UBS-style Verbal Reasoning Test with answers, worked solutions and professional score reports including personalized tips based on your performance? Then we’ve got you covered. 

Now that we’ve covered the UBS culture-match, numerical and verbal test, let’s check out another key assessment: the UBS logical reasoning test.


What is a UBS logical reasoning test?

UBS employs a logical reasoning test to gauge your proficiency in identifying logical rules within symbol patterns and applying them to new sets. This assessment is also known as the UBS inductive reasoning test

How long is the UBS Logical Reasoning Test?

You will have 12 minutes to complete 12 tasks, finish as many as you can. 

Gain key insights in this under a 1-minute video about what is a logical reasoning test you may come across at UBS:

What is a Logical Reasoning Test?

How do I pass the UBS Logical Reasoning Test?

  1. Practice with time limits: Simulate test conditions by practicing within time constraints to improve speed and accuracy. Practice sample questions to be familiar with the pressures involved.
  1. Improve logical thinking: Enhance your logical thinking skills through puzzles and brain teasers to approach complex patterns confidently.
  1. Pay close attention to the patterns. Consider the common changes to shapes. Study each shape carefully to understand the sequence.
  1. Eliminate wrong answers first: Save time by identifying any options that clearly do not follow the pattern, reducing the number of possibilities to choose from.
  1. Learn from mistakes: Review the answers during your practice and challenge the logic behind worked solutions to enhance your understanding.

Practice a FREE logical reasoning test with us today, or have a go at this UBS-style logical reasoning practice question designed by our experts below:

UBS-Style Logical Reasoning Test Example

UBS logical reasoning test example

Did you get the answer? Check the bottom of the page to find out!

Start your UBS-style logical reasoning test preparation by signing up for GF’s Logical Reasoning Test package today to access real questions, live test reports, and progress charts! 

Now, let’s move onto the next online assessment that you are required to take in order to be a part of UBS; the UBS HackerRank Online Assessment.

UBS HackerRank Test

What is the UBS HackerRank Online Assessment?

If you are applying for a tech job at UBS, you will have to take the HackerRank online assessment. The HackerRank Online Assessment will contain MCQs related to general aptitude, data structure and coding. 

How long is the UBS HackerRank Online Test?

It contains 14 Multiple Choice Questions and one coding question. You will have an hour to complete the test.

What to expect in the UBS HackerRank Online Assessment?

  • You will be given a description of the task you are expected to complete with an example.
  • While you complete these coding challenges you gain real-time feedback from your HackerRank assessor who will provide challenges for you to complete including other questions.

How do you pass the UBS HackerRank assessment?

We have you covered with the following top 8 tips to pass your UBS HackerRank Online test:

  1. Stay Focused: Challenges have time limits, so find a quiet spot to work without interruptions.
  1. Practice Systems: Around 20-30% of your success comes from knowing how HackerRank’s system works. Try some practice challenges to get used to it.
  1. Know Your Code: Before you begin, make sure you understand how to run and submit your code.
  1. Use Allowed Languages: Check which programming languages you’re allowed to use. If your preferred one isn’t allowed, practice with another.
  1. Start Easy: Challenges usually have multiple problems. Don’t start with the hardest one. Solve them in order from easier to harder.
  1. Focus on Solutions: Try to finish each problem well and avoid going back to it later. Spend extra time if needed for a solid solution.
  1. Test Thoroughly: Your code should work for different types of inputs. HackerRank lets you try your code on custom inputs.
  1. Submit Something: Even if you’re unsure about a problem, submit an attempt. You might earn some points.

UBS HackerRank assessment tip: Try solving problems from different areas before the challenge. This will build your skills and boost your confidence.

Keep your head held high, you’re doing great. At this point, you are done with the online aptitude tests stage, and will next face an UBS Sonru video interview.

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UBS SONRU Video-based interview

What is the UBS Sonru Video Interview? 

The UBS Sonru interview is a video interview using a specialized platform that lets recruiters set up automated interviews. Unlike regular interviews, you won’t talk to an interviewer during a Sonru interview. The UBS Sonru interview questions will be competency-based (CBI).

How long is the UBS video interview?

UBS Sonru video interview consists of up to 8 questions. You will get 45 seconds to prepare, followed by 2 minutes to answer each question. To explain why you want to work at UBS, you’ll have 3 minutes. 

Watch our short video below to understand more about video interviews and how UBS use them in their recruitment process:

What is a Video Interview?

Top 10 Tips to Pass the UBS Video Interview

  1. Prepare ahead: Think about possible questions before the interview. When someone prepares well, it catches attention.
  1. Test beforehand: Do a test run. Ensure sound, video, and lighting are good for a smooth interview.
  1. Dress well: Show your professionalism, pay attention to your posture and how you present yourself, just like you would if you were meeting in person.
  1. Focus on the camera, not the screen: Eye contact matters, forming the first impression that establishes a personal connection.
  1. Minimise distractions: Find a quiet spot, no fidgeting in your chair or with your hands. They want the focus to be on you.
  1. Be authentic: Answer the questions as if you were in front of the interviewer in person and just be yourself.
  1. Stay calm: It’s okay to be nervous. Before you begin, take a moment to relax your nerves to appear confident and engaging.
  1. Share from your experience: Talk about your resume, how you gained from it, and connect it to what UBS is seeking. Recognize your strengths and explain why you’re a suitable match.
  1. Highlight important things: Consider what defines you and share those qualities that you want them to remember about you after the interview is over.
  1. Not an expert in finance? That’s fine. They’re ready to learn and grow with you. Concentrate on what you’re good at. If you’re interested in the industry, let them know.

Below are a few examples of questions that could be asked during your UBS Sonru video interview. We have also covered some tips on how to properly answer these questions and added good answers to them.


Question 1: Why UBS?

Tip to answer: Showcase how your skills, values, and career goals align with UBS’s mission. Highlight specific exciting aspects of the company, reflecting your research and eagerness to join. 

Good answer:

UBS stands out to me due to its exceptional reputation in the financial industry and its alignment with my personal values. The company’s commitment to integrity, innovation, and client-focused solutions deeply resonates with my own beliefs. By joining UBS, I look forward to leveraging my skills and enthusiasm to play a meaningful role in its continued growth and success.

For more tips on how to answer this common UBS interview question, check out our short video below:

How To Answer “Why Do You Want This Job?” | Job Interview Question #shorts

Question 2: Describe an instance when you were tasked with meeting a crucial deadline.

Tip to answer: When asked about meeting a critical deadline, employ the STAR+R method: Situation, Task, Action, Result, Reflect. Briefly describe the situation, detail the tasks, explain your actions to meet the deadline, and conclude with the achieved positive outcomes. 

Good answer:

  • Situation: In my previous role as a marketing coordinator, our team was assigned a critical campaign launch with a tight deadline of just two weeks.
  • Task: The campaign aimed to promote a new product release to our key client base, and its success was pivotal for our quarter-end targets.
  • Action: I swiftly created a detailed project plan, coordinating with cross-functional teams to streamline workflows. Daily check-ins ensured progress tracking and issue resolution.
  • Result: Under time pressure, we flawlessly executed the campaign, surpassing engagement targets by 20% through coordinated efforts and open communication. This success enhanced client relationships and significantly exceeded quarterly goals.
  • Reflection: This underscored effective communication, planning, and teamwork for meeting tight goals. It showcased my ability to excel under pressure through collaboration and strategic execution.

Prepare for your Competency-based interview questions commonly used by UBS with our 60 unique video interview sets used across top industries on our Practice Video Interviewing Platform.

UBS interview questions

After submitting your recorded video answers, UBS’ recruiting team will assess them. You will receive feedback and notification of your success after this review process.

The final stage of the UBS application process is the UBS assessment centre which might be completed in person at one of the UBS offices, or virtually (depending on the situation).

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UBS Assessment Centre

What is the UBS Assessment Centre?

UBS Assessment Centres are a crucial part of the application process during which senior members of the relevant business areas evaluate you through three or four exercises, depending on the role you’ve applied for.

These exercises may take the form of:

  1. UBS Assessment Centre: Numerical Test
  2. UBS Presentation Exercise
  3. UBS Group Exercise
  4. UBS Final Round Interview

 Let us discuss each of these exercises below.

1. UBS Assessment Centre: Numerical Test

What is the numerical test at the UBS assessment centre?

You likely took a numerical test in the early stages of your application, but another one will be necessary at the UBS assessment centre.

The UBS numerical reasoning test during the assessment centre is quite similar to the previous stage, but now it’s a bit longer, lasting 40 minutes. Another key difference will be that an assessor will be watching you as you complete the test. 

Check out our tips above to pass the UBS numerical reasoning test.

2. UBS Presentation Exercise

What is the UBS presentation exercise?

The UBS presentation exercise evaluates your communication, body language, and tone for professional presentations, group discussions, and expressing opinions. This activity could be done individually or as a group. 

What will the UBS presentation exercise involve?

You’ll give a 10-minute presentation followed by a 10-minute Q&A session. Your assessor will evaluate both your content and presentation delivery.

Top 4 tips to ace the UBS Presentation Exercise

  1. Stand straight: This will look more professional and demonstrate confidence to the assessor.
  1. Make regular eye contact with the audience: This is crucial for demonstrating effective communication skills.
  1. Do not speak too fast: Speaking too fast risks people not hearing what you have said. No matter how good what you actually said is, if they miss it, the assessor cannot mark you for it.
  1. Engage and connect: Use storytelling, visuals, and interaction to captivate. While not necessary, visual aids can help you stand out and improve the structure and flow of the presentation.

3. UBS Group Exercise

What is the UBS group exercise?

In the UBS group exercise, you will be grouped with your fellow candidates and will be given a piece of information. Your team will need to analyse given information, discuss it, and reach a conclusion, all assessed by a reviewer.

What will the UBS group exercise involve?

You will have 10 minutes to absorb the info provided, and 30 minutes following to communicate and discuss.

Top 4 Tips to Ace the UBS Group Exercise

  1. Highlight Your Skills: Showcasing your talents boosts team success and shows how you add value. Whether it’s analysing, leading, or communicating well, this enriches the team’s overall abilities.
  1. Team Up for Creativity: Collaboration is key in group tasks. Share your thoughts, but also build on others’ ideas. Listen actively, add to their points, and create unity.
  1. Focus on the Task: Stay calm by focussing on the task at hand. Consider the purpose of the task and what you are required to do.
  1. Ask Interesting Questions: When you talk, ask your team questions that encourage thought. These questions help us look at things from different angles.

Check out our group exercise video below for more key insights into what you can expect on the day.

Assessment Centre Group Exercises | How to Pass, with Example Task & Virtual Assessment Day Tips

You are almost there. The final interview is the last stage of the UBS recruitment process. You just need to focus on a few more things to land your UBS dream job.

4. UBS Final Round Interview

What is the UBS final interview?

The UBS interview lasts for at least 30 minutes. There can be multiple rounds depending on the role you have applied for. The first interview will consist of competency or behavioral interview as well as technical interview rounds.

4 Key Tips to Ace Your UBS Final Interview:

  1. Research UBS: Thoroughly understand UBS’s values, recent accomplishments, and industry trends. This knowledge demonstrates your genuine interest and preparedness.
  1. Provide Examples: Be ready to share specific instances from your experiences that highlight key skills like teamwork, leadership, and adaptability.
  1. Show Quantifiable Achievements: Highlight your achievements with measurable impact, showing how you contributed to previous roles or projects.
  1. Ask Thoughtful Questions: Prepare insightful questions about the company culture, team dynamics, or challenges the team is currently facing. This exhibits your enthusiasm and interest in the role.

 Gain further insight into improving your UBS final interview performance with our top 5 job interview body language tips:

Top 5 Job Interview Body Language Tips #shorts

For your final interview, use the video interview platform and record yourself answering the example interview questions using the STAR+R method.

Now that we’ve covered tips that will likely help with your competency questions, let’s also examine what a UBS technical interview entails. We will also explore some of the technical questions that are frequently asked in the UBS final interview.

UBS Technical Interview

What is the UBS technical interview?

The UBS technical Interview is conducted to assess your technical skills or to know how well you do your job. This interview is only for the tech and engineering hires and is generally conducted with the help of HackerRank. 

How long is the UBS technical interview?

The UBS Technical Interview goes on for at least 25 minutes.

How to Pass the UBS Technical Interview?

Here are 3 quick tips to pass UBS technical interview: 

  1. Refresh the Basics: Ensure a solid understanding of technical concepts relevant to the role, as UBS technical interviews often test fundamental knowledge.
  1. Show confidence by speaking in a calm tone of voice and by avoiding fidgeting. You have done the technical groundwork, so you’ve got this!
  1. Try to include 2 or 3 relevant examples as you can which demonstrate your technical skills when answering the questions.  

Good to know: You will be asked basic questions on programming languages such as Java, SQLite database questions, OOPs concepts such as data abstraction, polymorphism, etc. 

UBS Technical Interview Questions

Below are a few examples of technical interview questions asked at UBS.

  • How would you handle missing data in a dataset during analysis?
  • How does DNS (Domain Name System) work? Explain the process of resolving a domain name to an IP address.
  • Discuss the differences between SQL and NoSQL databases.
  • Write a SQL query to retrieve the highest-paid employee from an employee table.

Prepare for your UBS final interview with our video interview tool, giving access to 60 sets of questions and answers including competency and technical questions.

If you’ve followed all of our tips and been successful, you will shortly receive an offer from UBS for the role you’ve applied for. Congratulations! 

But wait! Are you a recent graduate and want to kickstart your career with UBS?  

You have come to the right place. Let us walk you through the opportunities that UBS has for students and graduates.

UBS Graduate Programmes

UBS offers graduate programmes and internships for students or fresh graduates who are willing to start a career with them. What are these graduate programmes? Let’s find out.

The opportunities offered by UBS for Graduates or Young talents are:

Let’s discuss the above-mentioned Graduate Schemes by UBS in detail. 

UBS Junior Talent Programme

What is the UBS Graduate Talent Programme?

UBS graduate talent program is a series of training modules, focused on professional skills and help you to develop as a UBS employee. This UBS graduate talent program ends with a Gateway Workshop, designed to prepare you for the next stage of your UBS career beyond the program.

This is an 18-24 month programme and ends with a gateway workshop which focuses on preparing you as a UBS employee.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • You must be a recent graduate (within the last 18 months) and have no more than 12 months of work experience after graduation.

UBS MBA Associate Programme

This graduate scheme is available for MBA students and offers two kinds of opportunities for potential hires.

  • MBA Associate Internship Programme
  • MBA Associate Full-time Programme

 Let’s discuss these two in detail:

UBS MBA Associate Internship Programme

The MBA associate internship programme is a 10-week internship opportunity for MBA students between the first and second year of business school. This programme enables you to learn about Global Banking throughout. 

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The MBA Associate Internship Programme is only for MBA candidates, and starts in June.
UBS MBA Associate Full-time Programme

The full-time Global Banking Associate opportunity is offered to recent MBA graduates who have been a part of the Global Banking Summer Associate internship. 

Under this, as a Global Banking Associate, you will be provided 10- weeks of training and then paired with the right team. This program starts in August.

UBS Summer Internship Programme

What is the UBS Summer Internship Programme?

If you are in your penultimate year of college, you can become a part of the Summer Internship Programme.  This offers a great “earn while you learn” experience.  If you perform well during the Internship, you will be invited to join the Graduate Talent Programme following your graduation. 

During your 3-6 months internship you can earn while you learn.

Applications are typically accepted throughout September to December, and their summer internships all begin in late June. 

Eligibility Criteria:

  • To apply, you must be enrolled in a four-year bachelor’s degree program and have completed your sophomore year prior to the start of the internship program.

UBS Off-cycle Internship Programme

What is the UBS off-cycle internship programme?

The UBS Off-cycle Internship Programme refers to a structured work experience opportunity provided by UBS. Unlike traditional internships that usually occur during specific semesters or seasons, off-cycle internships are offered throughout the year. 

This allows students or professionals to gain practical experience and insights into the financial industry outside of the usual recruitment cycles.

This off-cycle internship will be 6 months in length from June-December

UBS Tomorrow’s Talent Programme

What is the UBS Tomorrow’s Talent Programme?

The UBS Tomorrow’s Talent Programme offers diverse learning and networking chances to shape your career. Access coaching, mentors, events, and online resources to discover strengths, build business awareness, and enhance career readiness. 

Eligibility Criteria:

  • You should be in your early years of studying for a bachelor’s or master’s degree.

Applications are typically accepted from January to March. 

The programme also provides you with internship opportunities such as Virtual Insight Week and Summer Internship Programme as you progress. 

UBS Reshaping Your Future Competition

What is the UBS Reshaping Your Future Competition?

The Reshaping Your Future Competition is an initiative by UBS to inspire young minds to think about possible solutions and make a change that matters. This competition invites students to bring in their ideas of change and provide steps and procedures to bring that change into effect. 

Eligibility Criteria:

  • If you are a current high school, college, or university student.
  • You should be of legal age in your residence state/country and not undergoing bankruptcy or creditor-related proceedings.

UBS Spring Insight Program

The UBS Spring Insight Program is a one-week program that will leave you well-informed and more confident about the career path you wish to pursue.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • UBS welcomes applicants from varied degree fields, requiring progression towards a 2:1 in the first year of a three-year program or second year of a four-year program.

UBS spring program applications are open in October and are on a rolling basis.

Continue reading for additional answers to frequently asked questions about the UBS assessment process!

UBS Assessments FAQs

How long does UBS take to respond after the assessment?

Given the various components of the application process, UBS might require around 1.5 to two months for completion and evaluation.

How many UBS jobs can I apply for within the same month?

You can apply for up to five roles in a month. Focus on well-matched positions. Your initial application stores your information in UBS’s database, potentially leading to recruiter outreach for suitable roles. 

Where to check the status of my UBS application?

Upon logging into your profile, navigate to “My Profile” -> “Dashboard.” Then, within the “Applications” section, select the submitted application you’d like to know the status of.

What skills are required to apply for a job at UBS?

Expertise isn’t required, but you should showcase a certain level of understanding about the specific business area you’ve applied for.

What is the UBs graduate program application process?

Practice and Register with GF to get your job with UBS first time

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Answers to questions:

Numerical reasoning test – C

Verbal Reasoning Test – B

Logical Reasoning Test – C