Reading time: 21 minutes


Are you applying for the L’Oreal 2025 internship or graduate programs season? Or maybe looking for a professional L’Oreal career? This is the complete guide for you.

The text below provides a full assessment and candidate preparation guide and practice for L’Oréal recruitment for those applying to UK and global jobs, internships and graduate programs at L’Oréal.

Our website provides scientifically validated practice assessment tests, interviews and assessment centre exercises that can be used to practice and prepare for the L’Oréal recruitment and assessment process. 

Considering whether you should practice for L’Oréal assessments? Research shows that 60-80% of candidates are rejected based on aptitude test results. A study by Bradley et al. (2019) on Top 100 global employers found failure rates of 54%-84% for those who didn’t practice. Practice substantially increases your hiring chances.


How to prepare for L’Oréal Assessment tests to get the job?

  1. Complete your L’Oréal Online Application
  • Fill in your personal details.
  • Match your Resume with L’Oréal’s values in your resume and application answers. Include keywords used in the job description.
  • Include any relevant leadership or management roles you have had in your resume.
  1. Practice for L’Oréal Digital Assessment

L’Oréal uses a blended aptitude assessment in candidate selection. This assessment includes:

The only proven way to get to the next round is practice. 50-80% of candidates get rejected at this stage.

  1. Record mock video interviews of yourself

Prepare for your pre-recorded HireVue video interview by running mock interviews and answering typical interview questions. Your answers need to flow and be timely. Avoid filler words. For the best L’Oréal interview practice, use:

Always record your answers and watch them develop your interview technique, timekeeping and words used. Repeat recordings until you feel satisfied. Use the STAR+R method for your answers and practice each answer several times.

  1. Prepare for the L’Oréal Assessment Centre exercises

The L’Oréal assessment centre uses exercises to evaluate candidates’ behaviour in a simulated work environment. This evaluation is carried out through the following exercises:

L’Oréal Interview tip: Showcase your passion for the beauty industry and align it with L’Oréal’s values to make a strong impression during the interview process.

Keep reading to get answers to critical questions such as:

  1. What is the L’Oréal recruitment process?
  2. How to prepare for L’Oréal assessment tests?
  3. How to prepare for the L’Oréal interview?
  4. How do I pass the L’Oréal assessment centre?
  5. What students and graduate programmes does L’Oréal offer?

Looking into assessments with L’Oréal? Practice relevant assessments for your assessment process by simply clicking in the table below!

Relevant Assessments to L’OréalPractice Now
Numerical ReasoningStart Practicing
Logical ReasoningStart Practicing
Verbal ReasoningStart Practicing
Situational Judgement TestStart Practicing
Personality TestStart Practicing
Video InterviewsStart Practicing
Assessment CentreStart Practicing

Practice for all of these L’Oréal assessments with our Premium practice range to improve your results and get scores above their threshold.

Before we delve into the L’Oréal hiring process, let’s cover the essential information you need to know about the company.

Who is L’Oréal?

L’Oréal is a global beauty company with a rich history and a prominent presence in the cosmetics industry. Founded in 1909 by Eugène Schueller and is headquartered in Clichy, France.

Growing to become one of the world’s leading beauty brands, L’Oréal offers a wide range of products across various categories such as skincare, haircare, makeup, and fragrances.

L’Oréal currently operates in more than 150 countries and employs over 88,000 people worldwide, in areas such as:

Digital & MarketingCorporate AffairsEngagementMarketing
FinanceResearch & InnovationOperations DevelopmentTraining & Education
MedicalHuman ResourcesRetailSupply Chain

L’Oréal aims to recruit the top talent, making thorough preparation essential for your application. 

To excel in your application for any role at L’Oréal, thorough research on the company is crucial. Familiarise yourself with the company’s values, mission, and vision statements.

What are the L’Oréal Core Values?

  1. Passion: L’Oréal values passion as it drives their commitment to beauty and fuels creativity and excellence.
  1. Innovation: Innovation is essential to L’Oréal’s success, enabling them to stay ahead, create groundbreaking products, and meet evolving customer needs.
  1. Entrepreneurial Spirit: L’Oréal embraces an entrepreneurial spirit, fostering creativity, ownership, and adaptability within their employees.
  1. Open-mindedness: Open-mindedness promotes diversity, collaboration, and better understanding of diverse customer needs at L’Oréal.
  1. Quest for Excellence: L’Oréal’s pursuit of excellence ensures continuous improvement and exceeding customer expectations.
  1. Responsibility: Responsibility is central to L’Oréal, driving their commitment to sustainability, ethical practices, and positive impact in the world.
Mission StatementTo provide the best in cosmetics innovation to everyone, focusing on quality, safety, efficacy, and sustainability.
Vision StatementTo be the leading beauty company in the world, delivering innovative products that meet the infinite diversity of beauty needs and desires.

L’Oréal Application tip: Align your application with the job description and these company values. Incorporate relevant keywords, highlight customer-centricity and teamwork, and demonstrate adaptability and a global mindset

To ace your L’Oréal hiring process, don’t miss our short YouTube video below for more researching tips!

How to Research a Company Before an Interview | Job Application & Interview Tips #shorts

With this, it’s time to jump on to the L’Oréal recruitment and assessment process.

So, buckle up, and let’s start! 

L’Oréal Recruitment and Assessment Process

What is the recruitment process at L’Oréal?

L’Oréal has divided its 2025 recruitment process into four stages to simplify the process.

  1. L’Oréal Online Application
  2. L’Oréal Digital Assessment
  3. L’Oréal Video Interview
  4. L’Oréal Assessment Centre

 Let us go through all these L’Oréal recruitment stages in detail below with our certified tips and tricks to ace each of them and get ahead. 

First up, the L’Oréal online application!

L’Oréal Online Application

How to get a job at L’Oréal?

The L’Oréal online application is the first stage of your L’Oréal recruitment process. At this stage, you will be asked to fill in the online application form with personal details, contact information, educational qualification, work history, etc.

L’Oréal assessment application form
L’Oréal Assessment Application Form
Source: L’Oréal Careers

During the application process for L’Oréal, you may need to submit a CV/Resume, a cover letter, and any additional attachments relevant to the specific role you are applying for.

L’Oréal Application tip: Put some effort into ensuring your CV is tailored to the L’Oréal and the role to increase your chances of getting your application accepted.

L’Oréal recruitment cv upload
L’Oréal Recruitment CV Upload
Source: L’Oréal Careers 

How to Write a Good L’Oréal CV

When writing your CV/Resume for your L’Oréal application, you should also avoid including these 3 most common CV mistakes:

  • A Picture: Some managers reject CVs to avoid discrimination. Consider including an ID photo online.
  • Irrelevant Experiences: Focus on relevant work experiences that demonstrate required skills.
  • Errors: Check your CV for spelling mistakes before submission. First impressions matter!

Discover valuable tips on how to excel in your L’Oréal job application form by watching the quick video below.

How to Write the Past Experiences Section on your CV | CV Writing Guide #shorts

Upon acceptance of your L’Oréal application, you will be invited to the assessment tests or to a virtual interview. These are key chances to demonstrate your skills to potential employers.

Let’s check out the L’Oréal assessment tests first.

Back to Contents

L’Oréal Digital Assessment

What are L’Oréal digital assessments?

The L’Oréal cognitive test or aptitude test, is a blended single assessment with different sections, evaluating multiple skills and abilities in one comprehensive test. They use IBM Kenexa tests in most locations, with Talent Q tests being used in the UK.

L’Oréal assessments typically include:

  1. L’Oréal Numerical Reasoning Test Questions
  2. L’Oréal Logical Reasoning Test Questions
  3. L’Oréal Verbal Reasoning Test Questions
  4. L’Oréal Situational Judgement Questions (SJTs)
  5. L’Oréal Personality Test Questions

Keep reading as we cover each of these tests, starting with the L’Oréal numerical reasoning test questions.

1. L’Oréal Numerical Reasoning Test Questions

What are the L’Oréal numerical reasoning test questions?

The L’Oréal numerical reasoning test questions evaluate your numerical aptitude and problem-solving skills by presenting questions that involve data analysis, calculations, and logical deductions. Its purpose is to evaluate their accuracy with numbers and ability to draw conclusions from numerical information.

What will the L’Oréal numerical reasoning test involve?

The L’Oréal numerical reasoning test section contains 20 questions to be answered within 20 minutes.

Discover the top 3 reasons employers such as L’Oréal use numerical reasoning tests with this short YouTube Video:

Top 3 Reasons Employers Use Numerical Reasoning Tests #shorts

How do I pass the L’Oréal numerical reasoning test questions?

  1. Familiarise with question types: Practice various question types to become familiar with what to expect in the test.
  1. Revise formulas: Review key concepts and formulas to solve questions more efficiently.
  1. Prepare equipment: Have essential tools like a calculator, pencil, scale, and rough page ready for the L’Oréal digital assessment.
  1. Set time limits: Allocate your time for reading, solving, and spare time for each question based on the total time given.
  1. Avoid lingering on a question: Don’t spend too much time on one question. Move on if you’re unsure and focus on completing all questions within the time limit.

Practice FREE QUESTIONS similar to L’Oréal assessment tests, register with GF and take your FREE numerical reasoning test now, or test your skill using the tips above with this example question below!

L’Oréal-Style Numerical Reasoning Test Question Example

L’Oréal numerical reasoning test example

Check if you got the correct answer at the bottom of the page. 

If you are looking for more L’Oréal-style numerical reasoning questions with answers, worked-solutions and professional score reports including personalised tips based on your performance – then we at GF have you covered. 

Now let’s explore the L’Oréal logical reasoning test question, which is another important aspect of the L’Oréal online assessment. Let’s delve into the details!

2. L’Oréal Logical Reasoning Test Questions

What are L’Oréal logical reasoning test questions?

The L’Oréal logical reasoning questions are presented in diagrammatic or inductive formats.They consist of five diagrams with varying shapes, challenging you to identify the correct pattern and determine the next element in the sequence.

What will the L’Oréal logical reasoning test involve?

In this section, you’ll have 20 minutes to complete 20 questions

Want to know more about logical tests? Gain key insights in this 1-minute video about this logical reasoning test you may come across in your L’Oréal cognitive test:

What is a Logical Reasoning Test? #shorts

L’Oréal Logical Test tip: You can typically expect to encounter various operations such as shape resizing, reflection, transformation, division, and rotation during these assessments.

How do I pass the L’Oréal logical reasoning test questions?

We have you covered with the following 5 key tips to pass your L’Oréal logical reasoning stage:

  1. Prepare by practising: Regularly use practice materials or online resources to improve skills, identify patterns, and become familiar with question types.
  1. Create a calm setting: Find a distraction-free environment to take the logic assessment, as it requires focused attention.
  1. Pay attention to details: Read instructions carefully, analyse information, and identify key details, patterns, or relationships. Avoid assumptions or unnecessary information.
  1. Eliminate wrong answers first: Identify options that clearly do not follow the pattern, reducing the number of possibilities.
  1. Manage time effectively: Ensure to keep track of the time. If you start to run over, take an educated guess and move on to the next question.

Practice FREE logical reasoning questions with us today, or have a go at this L’Oréal-style logical reasoning practice question designed by our experts below:

L’Oréal-Style Logical Reasoning Test Question Example

L’Oréal logical reasoning test example

Got the answer cracked? Check out if you aced this question at the bottom of the page. 

If you are looking for more L’Oréal-style logical reasoning questions with answers, worked-solutions and professional score reports including personalised tips based on your performance, then GF has you covered.

What other questions does L’Oréal use in their digital assessment? Let’s continue reading to explore the verbal reasoning questions.

3. L’Oréal Verbal Reasoning Test Questions

What are L’Oréal verbal reasoning test questions?

The L’Oréal verbal reasoning test questions strives to identify whether you can effectively extract relevant information from unseen passages and determine the validity of subsequent statements as true, false, or impossible to say based on the passage.

What will the L’Oréal verbal reasoning test involve?

You will be required to answer 12 questions. Each question has an individual timer instead of a fixed time for completing the entire test. 

Take a break from reading and watch this short informative video about verbal reasoning tests similar to the L’Oréal online tests:

What is a verbal reasoning test? #shorts

How do I pass the L’Oréal verbal reasoning test questions?

We have you covered with the following 5 key tips to pass L’Oréal Verbal Reasoning Test:

  1. Practice verbal reasoning test questions: To understand the layout of these questions and develop strategies that suit you to crack the actual test.
  1. Develop your vocabulary: Learn new words, practice in context, and enhance grammar, sentence structure, and comprehension.
  1. Improve your environment: Ensure that you have plenty of rest the night before and that for the test you are in a closed and quiet environment.
  1. Answer based on the passage only: Avoid using your own knowledge or external information!
  1. Manage time effectively: Skim the passage, allocate time per question, avoid getting stuck, and make educated guesses.

Bonus L’Oréal Verbal Reasoning tip: Familiarise yourself with the test style and know what to expect to improve your performance on verbal tests.

Try out our FREE verbal reasoning test today or test your skills with this L’Oréal-style verbal reasoning practice question designed by our expert team below:

L’Oréal-Style Verbal Reasoning Test Question Example

L’Oréal verbal reasoning test example

Got the answer? Check it out at the bottom of the page.

Looking for even more L’Oréal-style verbal reasoning questions with answers, worked solutions and professional score reports including personalised tips based on your performance? Then we’ve got you covered.

The next part of the L’Oréal online assessment we will discuss are the L’Oréal situational judgement test questions, so let’s start.

4. L’Oréal Situational Judgement Test Questions

What are L’Oréal situational judgement questions?

The L’Oréal situational judgement test questions (SJTs) evaluate your judgement,problem-solving, and decision-making skills in realistic workplace scenarios. These tests assess suitability for the role and alignment with L’Oréal’s values and competencies.

Discover valuable insights about these situational judgement tests and gain an edge in your L’Oréal competency assessment by watching this brief video.

Video: What are Situational Judgement Tests? (SJTs Explained) #shorts

How do I pass the L’Oréal situational judgement test questions?

  1. Understand the context: Align your responses with L’Oréal’s expectations by understanding their values, culture, and prioritised competencies.
  1. Analyse scenarios carefully: Thoroughly analyse scenarios, considering details and potential consequences.
  1. Apply L’Oréal’s desired behaviours: Align with L’Oréal’s expectations by demonstrating desired competencies and behaviours.
  1. Remain consistent and authentic: Stay true to yourself while meeting L’Oréal’s expectations. Be consistent and genuine in your problem-solving and decision-making approach.
  1. Prioritise exceptional customer experiences: align your actions with customer satisfaction as customer-centric thinking is crucial to L’Oréal.

Take a sneak peek at our example below to get a sense of what a L’Oréal-style situational judgement exercise may look like.

L’Oréal-Style Situational Judgement Test Question Example

L'Oreal situational judgement example

Prepare for L’Oréal-style situational judgement tests with GF’s SItuational Judgement Test package. Access real questions, live test reports, and progress charts by signing up today!

The last potential stage of the digital assessment are the L’Oréal personality test questions. Let’s check out the details of these below.

5. L’Oréal Personality Test Questions

What are L’Oréal Personality Test questions?

The L’Oréal personality questionnaire is used to uncover your traits, behaviours, and fit with the role and organisational culture. These may be provided by Kenexa or Talent Q and will involve rating various statements on a scale from ‘completely untrue’ to ‘very true’.

L’Oréal Personality Test tip: Be authentic and true to yourself in the Work Personality Questionnaire. It is important to find the right cultural fit for you too!

Discover how employers such as L’Oréal are using personality questionnaires in recruitment with this video below:

How employers use personality questionnaires to hire candidates

How to Ace the L’Oréal Personality Assessment

We have you covered with the following 4 key tips to pass L’Oréal Personality Test:

  1. Understand L’Oréal’s values: Familiarise yourself with L’Oréal’s core values and desired traits they seek in candidates.
  1. Self-reflection: Take time to reflect on your own personality, strengths, and areas for development.
  1. Be authentic: Respond honestly and genuinely, reflecting your true personality traits.
  1. Be consistent: Maintain consistency in your responses throughout the test to demonstrate a coherent personality profile.

Get a glimpse of our sample below to experience what a L’Oréal-style personality test entails.

L’Oréal Personality Test Question Example

L'Oreal personality test example

After completing the L’Oréal online assessment tests, we will promptly receive an invitation to proceed to the next stage of the recruitment process: the L’Oréal video interview.

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L’Oréal Video Interview

What is the L’Oréal video interview?

The L’Oréal video interview is a crucial part of their remote recruitment process, using the HireVue online platform. You will be required to record your answers to four behavioural questions to showcase your qualifications and skills.

Curious about what your L’Oréal competency questions may be? Watch this short video to develop your understanding of video interviews:

What is a Video Interview? #Shorts

6 Top Tips to Ace the L’Oréal Video Interview

  1. Research and prepare: Thoroughly research L’Oréal, including products, values, and recent achievements, to tailor your interview responses and showcase your understanding of their culture and goals.  
  1. Practice common interview questions using the STAR method: Showcase relevant skills and achievements, boosting confidence and articulation.
  1. Set up a professional environment: Find a quiet, well-lit space with a clean background. Test your equipment before you begin. 
  1. Dress professionally: Wear appropriate attire reflecting company culture and industry norms. Avoid distracting patterns or bright colors.
  1. Maintain eye contact: Look at the camera, not your own image. Speak clearly and at a moderate pace.
  1. Show enthusiasm: Express genuine passion for L’Oréal and the beauty industry. Mention specific aspects that interest you to convey your excitement and dedication.

Practice for your L’Oréal video interview to get real-world experience using our video interviewing platform. Learn how to record responses and get better at responding to L’Oréal interview questions.

L'Oréal video interview questions practice

Want to know what questions could come up in your L’Oréal interview? Practice the Essentials with GF and discover more potential L’Oréal interview questions with our Question Identifier Tool (QIT).

The final stage of the L’Oréal assessment process is the L’Oreal assessment centre. Keep reading to find out what you can expect.

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L’Oréal Assessment Centre

What is the L’Oréal assessment centre?

A L’Oréal assessment centre is a comprehensive evaluation process aimed at assessing your skills, competencies, and suitability for a specific position. The assessment centre holds significant importance in L’Oréal’s recruitment process as it aids in selecting the most qualified individuals for the job.

The assessment exercises you are most likely to take are:

  1. L’Oréal Group Exercise
  2. L’Oréal Case Study
  3. L’Oréal Presentation Exercise
  4. L’Oréal Final Interview

 Let us discuss each of these exercises briefly.

1. L’Oréal Group Exercise

What is the L’Oréal group exercise?

The L’Oréal group exercise is a collaborative activity in the assessment centre where you will solve problems and showcase skills vital for success at L’Oréal. This may include creating a marketing campaign for a new product launch.

demonstrating teamwork, creativity, strategic thinking, and presentation abilities. 

4 Top Tips to Ace L’Oréal Group Exercises

  1. Engage, listen, and contribute to the team discussion to demonstrate your effective communication and collaboration skills.
  2. Demonstrate leadership by taking initiative in the conversation, motivating others, and maintaining inclusivity by involving the quieter members.
  3. Showcase creative problem-solving skills by providing your own ideas and building on others suggestions.
  4. Stay organised by keeping an eye on the time, and prioritise the important tasks needed to achieve your goals.

L’Oréal Group Exercise tip: Be adaptable and flexible in your approach, demonstrating your ability to adjust to changing circumstances and find innovative solutions. 

Get expert tips to ace your L’Oréal group exercise in our concise video.

Assessment Centre Group Exercises | How to Pass, with Example Task & Virtual Assessment Day Tips 

2. L’Oréal Case Study

What is the L’Oréal assessment centre case study?

The L’Oréal case study is a written assessment activity where candidates analyse a cosmetics industry scenario, identify issues, and propose strategic solutions. It evaluates analytical thinking, problem-solving, and business acumen. 

Top Tips To Ace the L’Oréal Case Study

  1. Thoroughly analyse the information: Review all provided data, identify key issues, and consider relevant factors.
  2. Apply relevant knowledge: Utilise industry expertise in cosmetics, marketing, and business strategy to propose well-supported solutions. Consider L’Oréal’s brand positioning and market trends.
  3. Structure your response: Organise ideas clearly, use headings and bullet points, and ensure recommendations are actionable and aligned with the scenario.

3. L’Oréal Presentation Exercise

What is the L’Oréal presentation exercise?

The L’Oréal Presentation is a task where you may deliver a prepared presentation during the assessment process. It assesses presentation skills, communication abilities, critical thinking, and the ability to engage an audience.

Top 4 tips to ace your L’Oréal Presentation:

  1. Prepare thoroughly: Research, structure, and practice for a confident presentation. Ensure you’ve read through the brief thoroughly to include all the required information!
  1. Include your audience: Ask if the assessor is looking for anything specific before you begin, and give time at the end for any questions.
  1. Engage and connect: Use storytelling, visuals, and interaction to captivate. While not necessary, visual aids can help you stand out and improve the structure and flow of the presentation.
  1. Show confidence: Demonstrate your professionalism and confidence through a clear and calm tone of voice. Make relaxed eye contact and use subtle hand gestures while speaking.

4. L’Oreal Final Interview

What is a L’Oréal final interview?

The L’Oréal final interview is the last stage of the selection process where candidates meet with senior executives. It assesses their suitability for the position based on experience, skills, qualifications, values, and cultural alignment.

What questions can I expect in my L’Oréal interview?

The questions asked in the final L’Oréal interview can vary depending on the specific role and level of the candidate. However, typical L’Oreal interview questions may include:

  • Behavioural questions: These assess how you have handled specific situations in the past, such as challenges, conflicts, or achievements. 
  • Situational questions: These present hypothetical scenarios to evaluate your problem-solving and decision-making skills. 
  • Motivational questions: These explore your career aspirations, passion for the industry, and alignment with L’Oréal’s values and culture.
  • Competency-based questions: These assess your skills and abilities relevant to the position, such as leadership, teamwork, communication, and adaptability. 
  • Technical questions: These evaluate your knowledge and expertise in areas specific to the role, such as marketing, research and development, supply chain, or finance.

So what do these L’Oréal questions look like?

We’ve got you covered there too! Here are some examples of interview questions that you might be asked in your next L’Oréal interview:

  • How do you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and innovations in the cosmetics industry?
  • What do you know about L’Oréal’s brand and products?
  • What is your approach to managing customer complaints or challenging scenarios?
  • Can you provide an example of a successful marketing campaign you have worked on in the past?

Discover more about these different types of interview questions and how you can answer them with our comprehensive guide here.

5 Quick Tips to Ace Your L’Oréal Final Interview:

  1. Prepare thoroughly: Research L’Oréal, the role, and the industry to align your responses effectively.
  1. Highlight achievements with specific examples: Use the STAR method to showcase your accomplishments in previous roles.
  1. Show cultural fit: During the interview, demonstrate your alignment with L’Oréal’s values and mission.
  1. Ask thoughtful questions: Engage the interviewer with well-researched inquiries about the company and the position.
  1. Mind your body language: Maintain good posture, make eye contact, and use confident gestures to exude professionalism and engagement.

Bonus L’Oréal Final Interview tip: It is important to be well-prepared, practice your responses, and demonstrate your qualifications, experiences, and fit for the position during the L’Oréal final interview.

Enhance your L’Oréal final interview performance with our video on the top 5 job interview body language tips.

Top 5 Job Interview Body Language Tips #shorts 

If you’ve followed our tips and succeeded, expect an offer from L’Oréal shortly for the role you applied for. Congratulations! 

Hold on! Before you go…

Read on below to discover the top programs, placements and opportunities for students and recent graduates to kick-start their careers in the beauty industry at L’Oréal.

L’Oréal Students and Graduate Programs

What are L’Oréal students and graduate programs?

L’Oréal offers students and graduates many opportunities to start their careers in beauty early through many programs and initiatives, including:

  1. L’Oréal Internships
  2. L’Oréal Apprenticeships
  3. L’Oréal Graduate programs

Let us discuss each of these options briefly. 

L’Oréal Internships

What is the L’Oréal internship program?

The L’Oréal internships and e-internships offer hands-on experience in the beauty industry for students and graduates, providing real projects, professional collaboration, and valuable skills from 11 weeks to 6 months.

L’Oréal offers 6-month internships with a monthly salary of €1,250 – 1,400 for Master’s degree students or 11 week summer internships across various areas. These areas include:

  • Functional: Covers various departments like marketing, sales, finance, HR, R&D, etc. 
  • Digital and E-commerce: Focuses on digital marketing, social media, e-commerce, and data analytics. 
  • Corporate Functions: Provides insights into support functions like finance, legal, communications, and sustainability. 
  • Beauty and Cosmetics: Immerses interns in brand-specific projects, marketing, product development, and trend analysis.

What are the eligibility criteria for L’Oréal Internships?

Internships are often open to current university students pursuing a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree or recent graduates within a certain timeframe (e.g., within one year of graduation).

Did you know? The L’Oréal Ignite Internship Program is open to diverse students and provides valuable initial work experience in Marketing, Commercial, or Digital fields, preparing them for future leadership roles at L’Oréal.

Students can apply through the official website. The best periods to apply are in January and September.

L’Oréal Apprenticeships

What is the L’Oréal apprenticeships program?

The L’Oréal apprenticeships offer practical work experience and structured training in various fields of the beauty industry, providing a pathway to develop skills and potentially secure long-term employment within the company. The salary for apprenticeships is around £30,000 per annum.

L’Oréal offers diverse apprenticeship programs with a focus on different areas. These include: 

  • Marketing Apprenticeship: Provides hands-on experience in marketing and brand management, including strategy development and market research.
  • Sales Apprenticeship: Develops sales skills, client management, and promotion of L’Oréal products.
  • Supply Chain Apprenticeship: Gets hands-on experience in supply chain and logistics. Apprentices coordinate distribution, manage inventory, and optimise processes.
  • L’Oréal’s Research and Innovation Apprenticeship involves collaborating on scientific projects, conducting experiments, and contributing to new cosmetic product development.

What are the eligibility criteria for L’Oréal Apprenticeships?

L’Oréal Apprenticeships require candidates to either obtain an NVQ in 18 months or a degree in 3 years where you’ll learn one of L’Oréal’s core functions.

L’Oréal Graduate programs

What is the L’Oréal graduate program?

All L’Oréal graduate programs are tailored training and development initiatives for recent university graduates, offering rotational assignments, mentorship, and career opportunities to gain comprehensive industry experience and accelerate professional growth.

 L’Oréal offers a broad selection of graduate programs that target diverse areas of expertise. 

  • Management Trainee: This Program grooms future leaders through comprehensive business exposure, cross-functional projects, and leadership development.
  • Marketing Graduate Program: This Program develops marketing expertise and brand management skills. 

Graduates gain hands-on experience in strategy creation, market research, and product launches. 

  • Research and Innovation Graduate Program: This Program offers opportunities to work in the R&D division. 

Graduates contribute to scientific projects, conduct experiments, and develop new cosmetic products.

What are the eligibility criteria for L’Oréal Graduate programs?

  1. Either in your final year of university graduating in 2022/23 or have graduated in the last 2 years
  2. Able to join either of the start dates advertised.
  3. Eligible to work in the UK without visa sponsorship.

Continue reading for additional answers to frequently asked questions about the L’Oreal assessment process!

L’Oréal Assessment FAQs

What types of assessments does L’Oréal use?

L’Oréal uses various assessments to evaluate candidates for job opportunities. These include online applications, psychometric tests, and an assessment centre. The assessment centre includes a group exercise and a 10-minute case study presentation.

How can I prepare for L’Oréal assessments?

  1. Research the company and understand its role.
  2. Practice aptitude tests and review case studies.
  3. Enhance communication and teamwork skills.
  4. Prepare for interviews with relevant examples.
  5. Stay updated on industry trends

How long does it take to hear back after completing the L’Oréal online assessments?

L’Oréal strives to provide timely and personalised responses to applications. If you haven’t received a response within 30 days, it indicates that your application has not been retained and won’t receive further communication. 

How long does the assessment process at L’Oréal typically take?

The duration of the assessment process at L’Oréal varies, typically taking several weeks to a few months.

Are assessments the only factor considered in the L’Oreal selection process?

L’Oréal’s selection process considers assessments alongside interviews, qualifications, experience, and cultural fit. It aims to evaluate candidates holistically for informed decisions.

Practice and Register with GF to get your job with L’Oréal first time

Do you want to pass your L’Oréal assessment tests first time? Take numerical, logical, verbal reasoning and situational judgment practice tests today with GF, the only aptitude practice test experts providing practice test solutions to over 100 UK universities and their students, and also across Asia and continental Europe.

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Correct answers to example questions:

Numerical Reasoning Test – C 

Logical Reasoning Test – C

Verbal Reasoning Test – B