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Are you interested in applying for the next recruitment batch for the 2025 Diageo graduate programme or internships across the globe, including the UK and US? This guide provides all you need for your Diageo online assessment practice.
Our website provides scientifically validated practice game-based assessments, assessments tests, interviews and assessment centre exercises that can be used to practice and prepare for the Diageo recruitment and assessment process.
Not sure if you should practice for Diageo assessments? Many large employers are leveraging gamified assessments as part of their recruitment processes (Institute of Student employers, 2018). A few of these major companies include Unilever, HSBC and RBS.
A recent study found that applicants report higher levels of process satisfaction, perceived fairness and organisational attractiveness when the gamified assessment method is used compared to the traditional version.K. Georgiou & I. Nikolaou (2020)
A recent study found that applicants report higher levels of process satisfaction, perceived fairness and organisational attractiveness when the gamified assessment method is used compared to the traditional version.
How to pass the Diageo assessment process and tests to get the job?
Diageo uses a variety of Pymetrics game assessments. They are designed to find out more about you and your work habits. There will be 12 assessments which should take around 30 minutes to complete.
Practice similar game-based assessments with us similar to those used by Diageo today.
Prepare for a telephone or video interview by running mock interviews answering typical interview questions. For Diageo interview practice, use:
Our video interview practice platform contains predefined competency and industry questions and emulates experience you will have in platforms used for HireVue interviews.
Use the STAR+R method for your answers and practice each answer several times.
Diageo makes use of a variety of competitive exercises during the assessment centre to find the right candidates. Ensure that you practice a variety of exercises including:
Hone your written and spoken communication techniques. Research online, prepare and practice presentation of as many business case studies as possible.Be aware; not many get to this stage. The competition is very fierce.Continue reading to get answers to these questions:
Looking into assessments with Diageo, simply click in the table below to practice assessments relevant to your assessment process!
Ace your Diageo online assessment first try with our Premium practice assessments. Practice with our video interview tool, game-based assessments and the full range of practice assessments designed to maximise your preparation.
Before we dive into the Diageo recruitment process, let’s discover more about the company first.
Diageo is a British multinational alcoholic beverage company, founded in 1997. It is headquartered in London, England and operates in 180 countries across five regions. Diageo was formed from the merger of Guinness Plc and Grand Metropolitan.
It is known popularly as a major distributor of scotch whiskey and other spirits, with its leading brands which includes, Guinness, Johnny Walker, Smirnoff and Baileys. Diageo has over 200 brands and is driven to be the world’s best brand builder paving the way in premium drinks.
What are some Diageo business areas?
Below are some of the business areas and roles available at Diageo that you can apply for:
To increase your chances at getting a role such as these, researching Diageo’s values is essential.
Now that we know more about Diageo, let’s jump right in with your Diageo recruitment process!
How to apply to Diageo?
The Diageo hiring process comprises four different stages, with each of these stages aimed at assessing your analytical abilities, cognitive and critical thinking, decision-making skills and your overall work personality.
Depending on the role you apply for, the Diageo recruitment process entails these main four stages:
Now, let us proceed to the first step of the Diageo recruitment process. Get your pad and paper ready as we jump in!
What is the Diageo online application form?
The Diageo online application form is the first step in the Diageo hiring process, therefore this is a chance at creating a good first impression and standing out from your competitors.
To complete your Diageo online application, you will be required to fill in these details;
Diageo application tip: Ensure you meet the minimum requirements for experience and qualifications for the role you apply for. For example, many roles may require a bachelor’s degree or higher and in other cases, some specific skills.
During your Diageo online application, you will be required to upload your CV/Resume, therefore take your time in creating a CV/Resume that amplifies your qualifications and stands out in competition.
5 Key Tips to Consider When Creating Your Diageo CV
This is highly essential in progressing to the next stage of the recruitment process. Therefore, these are basic tips to consider when creating your CV:
For more tips on how to prepare for your Diageo job application form, watch this short video below:
Now, you have passed the first stage of the recruitment process, what should you expect in the next round: the Diageo Pymetrics gamified assessments?
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What is the Diageo Pymetrics games assessment?
The Diageo games assessments are provided by Pymetrics and are used to assess your cognitive skills and abilities including your personality, level of risk, memory, using interactive tools and game-based elements.
How long is the Diageo Pymetrics games assessment?
The Diageo games assessment stage requires you to play 12 Pymetrics games in 30 minutes. These are not like more typical job assessments, as these are more interactive and vary in format significantly.
Gain a better understanding of how Diageo game-based assessments work by visiting our website and practicing game assessments developed by our experts.
What are the Diageo Pymetrics games assessments?
These Diageo games measure your emotions, attention, focus, level of risk and other attributes you possess that can reflect in a work-related scenario.
Discover more about each of these games and how you can pass for them in our in-depth guide here.
Top 6 Tips To Ace Your Diageo Games Assessments
Don’t miss our quick tips on how to ace Diageo games assessments in our short video below!
Start your Diageo Pymetrics games preparation journey with GF. We provide practice game-based assessmentssimilar to Pymetrics assessments to help you get familiar with the most common styles of assessments.
After completing this step, you will be invited for the next step in the Diageo recruitment process: the Diageo hirevue video interview.
What is the Diageo HireVue interview?
The Diageo video interview is a pre-recorded interview. In this stage, you will be given pre-set video interview questions to which you are to record your answers within a time limit; typically 2 minutes.
What are examples of Diageo interview questions?
The Diageo hirevue interview mostly involves:
Discover more about the Diageo video interview with our quick 1 minute video below!
Tip to answer: The recruiter is looking for you to detail a specific achievement, and how you achieved it. Showcase a real accomplishment and discuss what efforts you had taken to reach this goal.
Good answer:
My greatest achievement so far is getting a promotion and formal recognition through self-motivation and learning. Working as a sales intern at my first job out of school, I exhibited excellence in performance as the best intern during the programme which led to my promotion. I achieved this through learning more on online sales courses.
These courses helped me grow and made my work easier. Using my learnings from these courses, I improved our sales and was shortly given an offer letter for a full time position.
Tip to answer: When answering this question, show how your skills and experience can help you in being the perfect fit for the role you have applied for
Tip to answer: When answering this question, show how you can handle the situation through specific skills like, communication, interpersonal skills and conflict management.
Looking to practice more Diageo interview questions? Get interview-ready with our video interview practice tool. Sign up with GF now and access 39 employer interview sets to practice and hone your interview technique.
Your body language is also important when you are in an interview! Gain key insights in this under 1 minute video about the Top 5 Job Interview Body Language Tips.
Now that you know more about the Diageo video interview, how do we ace the Diageo interview process? Let’s find out below!
To discover more pro tips on how to ace your Diageo video interview, don’t miss the following short video:
The next and final stage is the Diageo assessment centre. Continue reading to find out more about this stage.
What is the Diageo assessment centre?
The Diageo assessment centre is the final stage of the recruitment process where you are examined on the basis of the competencies required for the job role.
What will the Diageo assessment centre involve?
During your Diageo assessment day, your performance and behaviours are evaluated by senior representatives based on real-life work environment. Depending on the role you apply to, you will be assessed by the:
Let us find out about each of these exercises in detail.
What is the Diageo case interview?
The Diageo case interview involves the use of work-related problems with existing solutions that requires you to use the data and provide your own solution to the problem.
Good to know: This case interview creates a chance for you to show your problem-solving, technical and specialised skills. The assessment will be led by you, where you will be expected to provide a framework and explore your options.
It is important to prepare for your case interview through practice to develop a method to build this framework, but also to develop the analytic mindset needed to ace this Diageo test.
How to Practice for Your Diageo Case Interview
Ace your next Diageo case interview with our video interview practice tool – featuring strength-based, competency- based and public sector industry interview sets to boost your interview technique with practice.
Keep reading to find out more about the next Diageo assessment centre; Diageo group exercise.
What is the Diageo group exercise?
The Diageo group exercise involves a group task which you will be expected to complete as a team. During this task, you will be divided into different teams and given a particular task or case study. You will be required to discuss the problems and reach an agreed conclusion.
5 Top Tips to Ace Your Diageo Group Exercise
Spare a few minutes to unlock more info on Diageo assessment centre exercises and tips and tricks on how to ace them:
What is the Diageo presentation?
The Diageo Presentation Exercises is used to evaluate your skills and abilities in communication, problem-solving, critical thinking and creativity. You will be given a candidate brief beforehand and will be required to present on the topic related to the company or job role you applied for.
5 Top Tips to Ace Your Diageo Presentation Exercise
Sign up with GF today and get ahead of the competition with 10 full sets of assessment centre exercises including role play, group discussions, presentations and more.
Congratulations! You have successfully made it to the end of the Diageo recruitment process. You will get feedback on your status depending on how well you performed and will shortly receive an offer if successful.
Diageo offers numerous opportunities for students and graduates through their early careers programmes. Let’s go over a few that you can consider applying for below.
What are the Diageo graduate schemes?
Diageo provides a wide range of opportunities including internships, apprenticeships, and graduate programmes that will prepare you for the future.
Find out more about these programmes offered by Diageo:
What is a Diageo graduate programme?
As a graduate in Diageo, you are presented with opportunities to help kickstart your career while collaborating with people across different business areas and regions.
The graduate programmes opens you to contributing to the business and industry while harnessing your talents through; Formal training, mentoring and coaching from respected colleagues and real-world, on-the-job experience.
Some of these Diageo graduate programmes include:
What is a Diageo internship programme?
You can gain hands-on experience through an internship with Diageo in any of their business areas, ranging from Finance and Sales to Human Resources, Legal, and more. You can apply to any of these below considering you meet the requirements.
What is a Diageo apprenticeship programme?
Apprenticeship at Diageo provides you with an opportunity to contribute to the work that goes into making, bottling and distributing their premium brands. You’ll gain knowledge by:
Some of them include:
With this, we have come to an end with the complete ultimate guide to help you in your Diageo hiring process. However, you can discover more insights into Diageo with our FAQs section below.
The Diageo hiring process involves four general steps: apply, game assessment, interview and assessment centre. Depending on the role you applied for it can last long or not, however duly communication will be made during the process.
You will find out if your application is successful within two weeks within the assessment centre.
Diageo provides graduate schemes to grow and motivate ambitious, commercially savvy graduates, while offering them a world full of future opportunities. Depending on your interests and goals, you can also spend your scheme living and working in another country.
Diageo promotes confident decision making, therefore it is recommended to apply to one graduate scheme at a time.
Do you want to pass your Diageo assessments for the first time? Sign up for tools offered by GF, the only aptitude practice test experts that provide tests for students for 150+ universities in the UK, Asia and continental Europe.
Go to GF now and select from the range of products we offer at no risk. We offer FREE practice aptitude tests and a comprehensive premium package with a full set of assessment tools for candidates (numerical, logical, verbal reasoning, situational judgement tests, assessment centre exercises and more). Buy with peace of mind without commitment to a full 100% money back guarantee if you do not pass your job tests.