Are you a recruiter or hiring manager looking for candidate pre-employment assessment tests and tools including aptitude tests? We invite you to visit our Assess Candidates website.
What is the Criteria Corp CCAT or UCAT test? What can you expect in your Criteria Corp on demand assessment? If you have such questions about Criteria Corp assessments, our latest guide is just for you.
In this text, we will cover in-depth Criteria Corp assessments, the top employers who use them, and why and how you can boost your Criteria Corp test practice with our bonus tips.
Our website provides practice assessments and a video interview tool that can be used to prepare for Criteria Corp online assessment tests. Start your Criteria Corp assessment practice today!
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Not sure if you should practice to prepare for your Criteria Corp assessment tests? Research shows 60-80% of candidates are rejected based on their aptitude test results. It is proven that practice increases your chances of getting hired.
A recent study (Bradley et al, 2019) found that candidates who do not practice assessments, tend to fail at the first hurdle of psychometric assessments (54%-84%). This study looked at the Top 100 global employers.
In a nutshell:
Research the Criteria online assessments to understand:
Practice with mock Criteria Corp video interviews with typical questions designed for the specific job role. For your Criteria Corp video interview practice, use the following:
Keep reading to check out answers to critical Criteria Corp assessment test questions:
Start practicing today for your Criteria Corp online assessment tests with our relevant practice tests below! All you need is just a click on any of the tests below!
Or Go Premium to boost your skills with our assessment tests and practice interview questions to help ace your upcoming Criteria online assessment tests and video interviews.
Without further ado, let’s start our discussion with who are Criteria Corp and its top 5 facts you should know.
Which major organizations use Criteria Corporation assessments to shortlist candidates and why? Let’s find out in our next section below.
Many employers worldwide prefer Criteria Corp online assessment tests for hiring. A few of the major employers who are known to use Criteria online assessment tests for hiring are:
Check out our 150+ detailed employer guides to the world’s largest companies in our step-by-step employer guides section. Plan ahead to prepare and edge out your competitors.
But why do employers like Johnson and Johnson and IBM use Criteria Corp assessment tests to hire? Keep reading to find out!
The Criteria pre-employment testing helps employers make effective hiring decisions. Here are 7 reasons why most employers may use Criteria corporation assessment to hire:
Discover how Criteria Corp online assessments benefit candidates like yourself in the following section.
The Criteria pre-employment testing assessments help you through the following 5 ways to ensure a fair recruitment process:
So, what are the Criteria Corporation assessments? In the next section, you will find out the various criteria assessments you may attempt as part of your recruitment process, starting from Criteria ability tests.
The Criteria Corp ability assessments are standardized assessments that you may take at Criteria’s testing platform, Criteria Corp on demand assessment. Your cognitive attributes, abilities, skills, and personality traits may be tested by one or several of the below Criteria Corp online tests:
So, let’s dive into these on demand Criteria assessments, starting from Criteria cognitive ability tests.
The Criteria Corp cognitive ability tests aim to assess your cognitive aptitude through a multiple-choice format assessment. Your employer may test you on any of these Criteria online tests:
The Criteria Cognitive Aptitude test (CCAT) tests you on 50 questions that you have to answer within 20 minutes. The Criteria Universal Cognitive Aptitude test (UCAT) requires you to do 24 questions within 15 minutes.
The Criteria Corp cognitive aptitude tests like CCAT and UCAT measure cognitive abilities including the following: reasoning, problem-solving, attention, perception, etc., using a combination of cognitive reasoning assessment test questions:
Looking for tips on how to pass Criteria Corp CCAT and UCAT? Here are our top 5 tips to ace your next Criteria Corp cognitive aptitude tests.
Want to boost your cognitive skills, including numerical, verbal, and logical reasoning ahead of your next Criteria Corp aptitude tests?
After discussing the cognitive aptitude tests, let’s discuss another Criteria assessment: the Criteria Corp mechanical tests.
The Criteria Corp mechanical ability tests aim to assess your mechanical skills through a multiple-choice assessment. Your employer may test you on any of the following Criteria test if you are applying for a role in Engineering:
The Criteria mechanical reasoning test (CMRA) tests you on 30 questions that you have to answer within 15 minutes. The Wiesen Test of Mechanical Aptitude (WTMA) requires you to solve 60 questions within 30 minutes.
The Criteria mechanical ability tests like CMRA and WTMA measure your ability to work with machinery and equipment. These Criteria online tests measure your mechanical aptitude using a combination of the following types of test questions:
Wondering how to pass this Criteria test? Here are our 5 expert tips to help you ace your upcoming Criteria mechanical ability test.
Want to boost your logical and spatial skills for your upcoming Criteria Corp mechanical ability test?
After discussing mechanical ability tests, it’s time to shift our discussion to another top Criteria online assessment: the Criteria Corp attention assessments.
The Criteria Corp attention assessments aim to assess your concentration skills through a multiple-choice assessment. Your employer may test you on any of the following Criteria tests:
The Criteria Minicog Rapid Assessment Battery (MRAB) tests you on 9 tasks that you have to complete in the minimum time possible. The Criteria Attention Skills test (CAST) has a time limit of 10 minutes to complete 4 tasks.
The Criteria Attention Skills Test (CAST) and other Criteria attention assessments like MRAB aim to measure the following skills:
So, how to pass these Criteria tests? Here are our top 5 tips to help pass tests like Criteria Attention Skills tests.
Practice to boost your attention skills with our Cognition-A Game which will also help you to ace your next Criteria cognitive aptitude test. Here’s a sneak peek into what our game assessment looks like.
We will discuss more about the Criteria game assessments in the subsequent sections, so keep on reading!
After discussing the attention tests, let us now briefly cover our next Criteria Corp online assessment tests: the Criteria Corp skill assessments.
The Criteria Corp skills assessments aim to assess a variety of specific skills and competencies depending on the type of assessment. Your employer may assess you with any or a combination of Criteria assessments.
Your employer may require you to attempt any of the following 7 Criteria job assessments, depending on the job role:
So, how to ace your Criteria skills assessments? Check out our 5 top tips below.
That’s it for Criteria skill assessments. Let us now discuss another top test you may take; the Criteria Corp personality tests.
The Criteria Corp personality tests like Criteria Workplace Alignment Assessment (WAA) aim to assess your personality, work styles, and preferences for the job role. Employers usually evaluate you based on a combination of your cognitive ability and personality assessment.
Take a break from reading to check out the science behind your Criteria personality test that uses the Big Five or Five Factor model of personality.
The Criteria Corp personality assessments comprise 20-140 statements depending on the test type. You have to answer each statement with the best option that aligns with you.
Did you know: Most Criteria personality assessments ready your personality profile based on the Big Five or Five Factor personality model? Read more about personality assessments similar to the Criteria personality test.
Your employer may assess you on any of the following Criteria personality tests, depending on the job role and necessary skills:
Want to get insights to understand your work personality ahead of your Criteria personality test?
Our next discussion is another Criteria online assessment test: the Criteria risk assessment.
The Criteria Corp risk assessments are similar in format to personality tests but aim to evaluate specifically for counterproductive behaviors. You may usually attempt Criteria risk assessments as part of recruitment for entry-level roles. You may be tested on any of the following tests:
The Criteria Corp risk assessments require attempting around 30-40 questions that usually take around 7 minutes to complete. They aim to assess your integrity, safety attitude, risk-taking behaviors, the likelihood of causing an accident or injury, and rule adherence.
Take a break from reading to discover how to boost your speed for your upcoming Criteria risk assessment through this quick video below.
Check out our top 5 expert tips to help pass your Criteria risk assessments first time below.
After covering the risk assessment, let’s check out the next category of Criteria Corp online assessments that are becoming increasingly popular for employers.
The Criteria Corp game assessments aim to assess your personality and cognitive abilities in an interactive format. Your employer may require you to attempt any of the following Criteria game assessments:
Want to directly jump to boost your Criteria game-based assessment practice?
Let’s discuss what you can expect in these Criteria game-based assessments, starting from Criteria Corp Cognify.
The Criteria Corp Cognify is an immersive game-based assessment that aims to measure your cognitive aptitude. Here you will attempt 6 games within 15 minutes that will assess your critical thinking, problem-solving skills, verbal knowledge, and ability to learn new information.
Criteria Corp Cognify assessment usually includes the following six mini-games:
Let’s discuss the most commonly used mini-game assessments, starting from Grid Lock.
The Criteria Corp Cognify Grid Lock game is a 3-minute game that requires you to complete the maximum possible out of 9 rounds. Here you have to fit all the puzzle pieces, either by rotating or changing their positions, into the grid as quickly as possible.
The Criteria Corp Grid Lock game assesses you for the following skills:
Criteria Corp Grid Lock Practice tip: Practice with our MTA-Tray™ practice game assessment to develop your problem-solving and spatial skills for your Criteria Grid Lock assessment. Here’s a sneak peek into what our game-based assessment looks like.
As well as the Grid Lock game assessment, the next Criteria Cognify mini-game we will cover is Proof it.
The Criteria Corp Cognify Proof It game is a 5-round game that requires you to complete each round within 1 minute. It requires you to quickly and accurately read short passages to identify typos, grammar errors, and punctuation issues.
The Criteria Corp Cognify Proof It game aims to assess you on the following skills:
Criteria Corp Proof It Practice tip: Practice with GF spelling grammar tests to develop your attention skills and written language proficiency to maximize your Cognify Proof It game assessment practice. Here’s a sneak peek into our example question.
After checking out the Proof It game, let’s move on to another commonly used Criteria Cognify game: Criteria Numbubbles.
The Criteria Corp Cognify Numbubbles is a 10-round game that requires you to complete each round within 6 seconds. Here, you have to solve basic arithmetic equations and pop bubbles containing equations that equal the target number.
The Criteria Corp Numbubbles game measures the following major skills:
Criteria Corp Numbubbles Practice tip: Practice to develop your quick mental arithmetic ability with our MathBubbles™ game ability for your Criteria Numbubbles assessment. Here’s a sneak peek into what our game-based assessment looks like.
When invited to complete a Criteria game assessment, this may be a Cognify game as covered above, or other similar games such as Criteria UCognify. Let’s check out the key differences below.
The Criteria Corp’s Ucognify is similar to the Cognify game-based assessment with only two of its mini-games i.e., the Grid Lock task and the Numbubbles task to complete within 10 minutes.
Criteria Corp Ucognify Practice tip: Practice with our Go Essential bundle to develop relevant cognitive skills with individualized insights ahead of your Criteria Corp cognitive assessment tests. Here’s an example of how our dashboard would look like.
After the Ucognify game assessment, let’s discuss the next Criteria game-based assessment: Criteria General Aptitude Mobile Evaluation (GAME).
The Criteria Corp General Aptitude Mobile Evaluation (GAME) is an interactive game-based assessment that requires you to attempt 3 games. You have to answer 40 questions within 6 seconds each to answer them.
The Criteria Corp General Aptitude game assessment involves the following 3 games:
Let’s discuss all three games, part of Criteria Corp GAME, starting from Criteria Identify Differences.
The Criteria Corp Identify Differences game-based assessment aims to assess your cognitive skills and requires you to spot differences between two images within 6 seconds.
Important to Know: Press the F key on your keyboard if the figures are different, and press the J key if the figures are the same.
The Criteria Corp Identify Differences game measures the following skills:
Criteria Corp Identity Differences Practice tip: Practice to develop your attention and observational skills with our Flanker Task Game for your next Criteria Identify Differences mini-game. Here’s a sneak peek into what our expert-designed game assessment looks like.
The next mini Criteria game-based assessment we will discuss is the Criteria Words of a Feather game assessment.
The Criteria Corp Words of a Feather aims to assess your cognitive skills and sometimes vocabulary in an interactive format. Here, you have to classify the two words on the screen at a time as either synonyms or antonyms.
Important to Know: Press the F key on your keyboard if the words are synonyms, and press the J key if the words are antonyms
The Criteria Corp Words of a Feather game measures the following 3 major skills:
Criteria Corp Words of a Feather Practice tip: Practice to boost your vocabulary and attention skills with our Spelling and Grammar tests as part of our Go Essential bundle for your Criteria Corp Words of a Feather assessment. Here’s a sneak peek into what our example question looks like.
After Words of a Feather, our next mini Criteria game-based assessment is Weigh Station.
The Criteria GAME Weigh Station game aims to assess your ability for quick basic arithmetic calculations. Here, you have to identify which of the trucks appearing on the screen carry the greater value.
Important to Know: Press the F key if the red truck holds greater value and the J key if the blue truck holds greater value.
The Criteria Corp GAME Weigh Station task measures the following 3 skills:
Criteria Corp Weigh Station Practice tip: Practice to boost your mathematical ability with our Mathbubbles game assessment that will help you ace your next Criteria’s Weigh Station game.
After the Criteria General Aptitude game assessment, our next game assessment is the Criteria Emotify assessment. Keep reading to know more.
The Criteria Corp Emotify assessment aims to assess your emotional intelligence with a 3-task game assessment. Depending on the tasks involved, you have to perceive and understand emotions in each scenario and make decisions.
Check out our quick video to better understand what Criteria Emotify and other similar game assessments are.
The Criteria Corp Emotify assessment measures your ability to identify, perceive, and manage emotions. This Criteria test also provides insights into how well you can handle different emotional situations.
Good to know: Emotional intelligence is considered an essential trait in many job roles, particularly those that involve teamwork, leadership, customer service, and managing relationships effectively.
The Criteria Emotify assessment requires you to attempt the following 3 different tasks:
Practice developing your emotional intelligence skills with our GF Emotions i-EQ™ to help ace your Criteria Corp Emotify assessment. Catch a glimpse of what our expert-styled practice game assessment looks like.
Now, after the Criteria assessments, let’s move our discussion to the Criteria video interviews tool.
The Criteria pre-recorded interview is primarily used in the early screening process before a final in-person interview. Criteria interviews may be a live or pre-recorded interview with your employer. Employers use it frequently with other Criteria assessments for a complete candidate assessment.
Take a break from reading to understand what the Criteria video interview involves through this quick video below:
The Criteria Corp video interview requires you to answer your responses to the given questions, which may involve a recording within the given time limit. Depending on the job role, the employer may evaluate motivation, commercial awareness, and competency to technical knowledge.
Good to Know: The time limit you get to record each answer and the total number of permissible retakes for a one-way video interview will depend on your employer.
Give reading a break to uncover 5 common interview questions to prepare for your next Criteria video interview.
Hone in your interviewing technique with common recruitment questions that you may likely face in your upcoming Criteria Corp video interview with our video interview preparation platform. Here’s a sneak peek into what our video interviewing tool looks like.
So, how do we pass these Criteria Corp assessments and interviews? Here are our top 9 tips to help ace your Criteria online assessments.
Here are our top 9 tips to help ace your upcoming Criteria Corp assessments and interviews:
Review basic concepts
Brush up your basic mathematical concepts, logical reasoning, and verbal comprehension for Criteria cognitive aptitude and game-based assessments.
Leverage mock interviews and tests
Practice with mock Criteria Corp-style interview questions and assessment tests to build your strategy and work on your weaker areas for your actual Criteria interview and test.
Eliminate distractions
Find a quiet and comfortable environment for your Criteria test. It will help you sustain focus for assessments where attention is a crucial factor like in Criteria attention skills tests
Dress appropriately
Ensure to dress up in formal attire for your Criteria video interview and pair it with a relaxed composure. It will help showcase your confidence in your knowledge.
Read the job description carefully
Use the relevant keywords in the job description in your answers. It showcases you are aware of the role’s key responsibilities.
Check your technology
Ensure the Criteria video interview platform can access your webcam and microphone. Use a device with a compatible web browser and a fast internet connection.
Read instructions carefully
Ensure to read the instructions during the actual Criteria Corp test. Understand how to answer questions and whether there are penalties for guessing.
Be ready with the notes
Use cues to help include relevant past experience and skills in your answer especially while using the STAR technique during your Criteria video interview.
Don’t get stuck
Avoid spending too much time on difficult questions; move on and return to them later if time allows.
And with that, we’ve covered all you’ll need to know about the Criteria online tests. Check out our FAQs section below for answers to even more questions other candidates have been asking!
The Criteria video interview has the following 3 distinct features:
Criteria Corp also offers live interviewing to help employers assess candidates real time. Generally used for later recruitment stages, Criteria live interview can also assess you on different live assessments, role play, or work sample.
While usually candidates find video interviews hard due to a lack of 2-way communication, you can ace it with the right approach. Practice with mock Criteria Corp-style video interview questions to help develop effective answers with confident body language.
The Criteria Corp video interview platform doesn’t require you to download any additional software. You can access the video interview platform from any web browser and operating system as long as it supports WebRTC, including Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari.
The Criteria assessment center platform, depending on the job role, will require you to attempt assessments like Criteria tests, game-based assessments, and skill assessments like Criteria CBST. If applying for a role in engineering, you may also take mechanical tests.
Do you want to pass your Criteria Corp assessments, first time? Sign up for tools offered by GF, the only aptitude practice test experts that provide tests to over 150 UK universities and their students, and also across Asia and continental Europe. Go to GF now and select from the range of products we offer at no risk. We offer a comprehensive premium package with a full set of assessment tools for job candidates (numerical, logical, verbal reasoning, situational judgement tests, assessment centre exercises, and more). Buy with peace of mind without commitment to a full 100% money-back guarantee if you do not pass your job tests.
Do you want to pass your Criteria Corp assessments, first time? Sign up for tools offered by GF, the only aptitude practice test experts that provide tests to over 150 UK universities and their students, and also across Asia and continental Europe.
Go to GF now and select from the range of products we offer at no risk. We offer a comprehensive premium package with a full set of assessment tools for job candidates (numerical, logical, verbal reasoning, situational judgement tests, assessment centre exercises, and more).
Buy with peace of mind without commitment to a full 100% money-back guarantee if you do not pass your job tests.
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